


這是一宗堪比香港經典犯罪電影《八仙飯店之人肉叉燒包》的駭人案件!日本滋賀縣警方於週四(27日)正式宣布,成功破獲一起橫跨17年的殘忍分屍懸案。震驚社會的是,案件的嫌犯竟然是75歲的燒肉店老闆—槓共芳(Gō Tomoyoshi)。他不僅被指控殺害39歲前同事川本秀行(Kawamoto Hideyuki),甚至被懷疑曾在自己經營的燒肉店內,將人肉混入食材,端上餐桌供顧客食用!

槓共芳目前正在岡山監獄服刑,但警方在近期的調查中掌握關鍵證據,認定他與 2008年琵琶湖畔發現的無名屍塊有直接關聯。當天,他被從監獄押解至滋賀縣警察署,並面臨新的謀殺指控。隨著警方進一步調查,案件的細節令人毛骨悚然,也讓日本民眾深感震驚。

根據日本媒體報導,槓共芳早在 2018年就因為殺害69歲同事中川直(Nakagawa Nao),並將其肢解棄置於葉山川堤防,而被判處25年有期徒刑。警方原以為這起案件已經塵埃落定,然而在他服刑期間,調查人員在復查舊案時,發現槓共芳 可能還涉及2008年的另一宗分屍命案。


然而,案件的發展並未就此結束,警方在進一步調查槓共芳的過去時,竟在他曾經經營的燒肉店內,發現第三具身份不明的骨骸!這些骨頭碎片被發現於店內的排水管道中,這意味著可能還有更多未被發現的受害者。更駭人的是,早在多年前,就有曾經光顧這間燒肉店的顧客 投訴肉質「異常」,表示部分燒肉口感與一般牛肉或豬肉不同,甚至懷疑被摻雜「奇怪的肉類」。但當時並無人深究,沒想到如今竟然傳出「人肉入菜」的驚悚可能性!


Japan’s Real-Life "The Untold Story": 17-Year-Old Cold Case Solved – 75-Year-Old Yakiniku Restaurant Owner Turns Out to Be a Serial Killer?

This is a case as horrifying as the classic Hong Kong crime film The Untold Story! On Thursday (27th), the Shiga Prefectural Police officially announced that they had solved a 17-year-old gruesome dismemberment case. What shocked the public even more was that the suspect turned out to be a 75-year-old yakiniku restaurant owner—Gō Tomoyoshi. He has been accused of murdering his 39-year-old former colleague Kawamoto Hideyuki, and is even suspected of having mixed human flesh into the food served at his restaurant!

Gō Tomoyoshi is currently serving a sentence at Okayama Prison, but recent investigations uncovered key evidence linking him to an unidentified dismembered body discovered near Lake Biwa in 2008. On that same day, he was transferred from prison to the Shiga Prefectural Police Station, where he now faces new murder charges. As the investigation deepens, the horrifying details of this case have left Japan in shock.

A 17-Year-Old Cold Case Reopens – Linked to a 2018 Murder

According to Japanese media reports, Gō Tomoyoshi was already convicted in 2018 for murdering his 69-year-old colleague Nakagawa Nao, whose dismembered remains were discarded by the Hayama River embankment. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Authorities initially believed that this case was settled. However, during his incarceration, investigators re-examined an old unsolved case and discovered that Gō Tomoyoshi might be connected to another dismemberment murder from 2008.


In 2008, a dismembered, unidentified male body was discovered near Lake Biwa. Due to limited forensic technology at the time, the police were unable to confirm the victim’s identity. However, with advancements in DNA analysis, authorities finally identified the victim as Kawamoto Hideyuki, a former colleague of Gō Tomoyoshi.

Further investigations revealed that Gō Tomoyoshi and Kawamoto had financial disputes and had previously engaged in violent altercations. Additionally, Gō had a clear motive for the crime, which immediately placed him at the top of the suspect list. After 17 years of tracking and forensic analysis, police finally gathered irrefutable evidence and formally arrested Gō Tomoyoshi on Thursday (27th).

"Human Flesh in Yakiniku?" – A Third Set of Bones Discovered!

However, the case took an even darker turn. During further investigations into Gō Tomoyoshi’s past, police discovered a third set of unidentified bones inside the pipes of his former yakiniku restaurant! This shocking discovery suggests that there may be more unidentified victims yet to be found.

Even more disturbingly, years ago, some customers who dined at the restaurant had complained about the "unusual texture" of the meat. Some reported that certain cuts of meat tasted different from regular beef or pork, and suspected they might have been mixed with "something strange." At the time, no one took these concerns seriously, but now, the terrifying possibility of human flesh being served in the restaurant has resurfaced!

Police are still working to identify the third set of remains and are investigating whether there are more hidden victims. This case has shocked the entire nation and left former customers of the restaurant horrified at the thought of what they might have unknowingly consumed.

Gō Tomoyoshi’s motive for the killings remains unclear, but this case is already being considered one of Japan’s most gruesome serial murder cases in recent years. As more evidence emerges, the full extent of the horror may be even more terrifying than imagined.