偏心是每個家庭都要注意的課題? 以中國安徽為例。









Partiality is an issue that every family should be mindful of. Biased behavior from parents can sometimes leave a profound impact on a child's psyche. In a case in Anhui, China, an infuriating incident occurred where an elderly couple transferred two properties exclusively to their eldest son, showing no concern for their younger son. This unfair treatment resulted in the younger son cutting off ties with the family.

Years later, as the health of the elderly couple deteriorated, they thought of their younger son as a potential caregiver. They requested him to come home and take care of them, citing the reason that "as a son, he should bear the responsibility for his parents." However, this request was met with a refusal from the younger son. Subsequently, the elder son, angered by this, uploaded a video online, hoping to receive judgments from netizens about the situation.

The apparent partiality of this elderly couple sparked widespread condemnation. After all, they have two children, but they only cared for the elder one, leading to a severed relationship with the other. This incident garnered attention from society, prompting deep reflections on family bonds, ethical considerations within families, and the importance of fair treatment.

Similar cases have occurred in Taiwan, with one noteworthy story involving a person named Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu devoted himself to caring for his parents for years, remaining single until the age of 40. However, due to continuous financial support to the family, he was unable to afford his own property. In contrast, his parents had assisted his older brother in paying the down payment for a house over a decade ago and planned to transfer their existing property to him. Unlike the news case in Anhui, Xiao Lu had been providing one-third of his monthly salary as filial piety since he started working. He also covered additional expenses in the household, such as food and utilities. However, he never received fair treatment from his parents.

In the end, Xiao Lu made the decision to live in another country, expressing that he no longer intends to return to Taiwan. He feels puzzled because his parents used to complain about being treated unfairly by their own parents when they were young, but now, as elders themselves, they perpetuate this cycle of injustice. Xiao Lu stated that, although he doesn't complain about not receiving a share of the property, he hopes to be treated with basic respect. While living with his parents, he endured daily verbal abuse, and many grievances had to be borne alone, as he didn't want to argue with the elderly. Now, he hopes to lead a good life abroad but is constantly pressured by his parents' phone calls demanding him to return and take care of them. Meanwhile, his brother lives abroad as well, not required to return to Taiwan and even able to rent out a house.

Parents seem to only recognize the efforts of the brother in earning money, while Xiao Lu is perceived as leading a leisurely life. However, Xiao Lu continues to pay a monthly filial piety fee of twenty thousand Taiwanese dollars without any reduction. His parents also seem indifferent to his difficulty in finding a partner in Taiwan, only repeatedly requesting him to return and care for them. Xiao Lu, upon seeing the news case from Anhui, resonates deeply with it. Unspoiled children may have an overwhelming responsibility, while the pampered ones may have inexhaustible resources. To some extent, his mindset aligns with the younger brother in the news case, highlighting that the more filial a child is, the more financially strained their life may become.