








Title: Contrasting Attitudes Towards Wealth: A Reflection on German and Chinese Societal Values

Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, has long been a magnet for talents seeking education or employment opportunities. However, a recent returnee from Germany, originally from Shanghai, expressed disappointment with his experience. He found many areas resembling rural landscapes, starkly different from the towering skyscrapers of Shanghai.

What perplexed him even more was the Germans' seemingly indifferent attitude toward appearance. The locals dress casually, rarely showcasing luxury brands or expensive handbags, a sharp contrast to the renowned German luxury car brands like BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Even at business events, he observed female executives carrying remarkably ordinary bags, with an estimated market value not exceeding 8,000 TWD.

In Germany, wealth is not easily judged by appearances. People are generally modest, avoiding ostentatious displays of affluence—a stance that sharply contrasts with their globally acclaimed high-quality automobile manufacturing industry. Interacting with locals, he discovered that individuals aren't treated differently in society based on their attire. Sharing happy moments from the weekend and prioritizing a fulfilling family life on Mondays are valued over flaunting one's financial status.

In comparison, Chinese society often appears to be in a perpetual pursuit of wealth and social status. Constant comparisons are made regarding who is wealthier, which community one resides in, where children go to school, and the husband's workplace and income. This societal pressure makes it challenging for individuals to find joy in learning or working.

The German experience prompts us to reflect on how to work more efficiently rather than endlessly demanding overtime from employees. In Taiwan, many people strive relentlessly to excel academically, pursue careers in high-pressure industries, and carry the burden of a mortgage for over 20 years, only to start planning travel after retirement, realizing their health isn't as robust. From a foreign perspective, Asians seem to struggle with embracing the pleasures of life.

This cultural difference serves as a reminder that while wealth and material comforts are important, spiritual fulfillment and family happiness are equally significant. It's crucial to contemplate how to strike a balance between work and life, seeking a more meaningful and joyful lifestyle. Don't let societal pressures and the relentless pursuit of wealth hinder the true enjoyment of life's pleasures.