


Up yours! 去你的

Draw a blank 想不起來

All bark, no bite 光說不練

You send for me ,你找我

Cut to the chase, come straight to the point 直話直說

I can’t, I wish I could 沒辦法

I understand you , I feel you 我了解

I will pay the bill, it’s on me 我買單

You go first, after you 你先請

Cheap 東西品質不好的說法.價格便宜可說that is a good price.

Kismet 緣份

Cut the cheese 放屁

Through thick and thin 風雨同舟

In my opinion, in my view, from my perspective, from where I stand, as far as I can see,as far as I’m concerned, from my point of view for my part, in my view. 在我看來的七種說法.

poppycock  胡說八道

Narrative 自述

Today years old 今天才知道

Are you with me, am I clear? Did I make myself clear 你了解嗎?

Who is he to you 他是你的誰

Same old same old 老樣子

Let nature takes its course 順其自然

Line up, queue 排隊