

只要掌握這個技巧,無論忘記網站密碼多長時間,都能輕鬆找回。 當來到網站的登入頁面,卻不記得帳號密碼時,透過這個方法,無需使用找回密碼的選項,依然能夠找回密碼,不管遺忘多久都有用。

首先,將滑鼠游標停在密碼框上,右擊並選擇檢查。在彈出的頁面中找到包含"password"的代碼,將原本的 <input type="password" class= 中的 "password" 改為 "text"。返回到首頁網頁,就能夠看到原本隱藏的密碼。

Mastering this technique allows you to easily recover your password, regardless of how long you've forgotten it. When you reach the login page of a website but can't remember your username or password, using this method enables you to retrieve the password without relying on the password recovery option, no matter how much time has passed.

First, hover the mouse cursor over the password field, right-click, and choose "Inspect." In the popped-up page, locate the code containing "password" and change the "password" in <input type="password" class= to "text." Return to the homepage, and you'll be able to see the originally hidden password.