2024年1月5日 大家來學英文!


2024年1月5日 大家來學英文!

Fake it until you make it 有事者事竟成

Go viral 火了

In a nutshell 簡而言之

No time like the present 擇日不如撞日

What’s his face 他叫什麼名字

Cold fish 冷淡的人

Couch potato 宅男或宅女

Go bananas 發瘋

You snooze you lost 先下手為強

Straight up 不加冰

Water under the bridge 覆水難收

Keep it to yourself 別說出去

You flatter me 過獎了

去餐廳詢問是否免費的說法有:free, complimentary,does it comes with meal , is there an extra charge for that

Never the Twain shall meet 無交集

Eat your heart out 你算老幾

I’m all ears 洗耳恭聽

What’s eating you 你怎麼了

Fine by me, anything will do, whatever 隨便

Can you make it cheaper? Give me a little deal on this. 有折扣?

Fancy meeting you here 想不到在這遇見你

Haste makes waste 欲速則不達

Under the weather 身體不適

It can’t be helped. 只能這樣了

Best of both worlds 兩全其美

Sharp as a tack 聰明絕頂

Fat chance 不可能

Quick= speedy







Up yours 去你的

Well-known, big name

Nowadays = in this day and age