






在2012年,美國阿拉巴馬州的少年艾凡·米勒(Evan Miller)因殺害一名成年男性而被判處終身監禁而無法獲得假釋。這個案例最終上訴至美國最高法院,最高法院裁定將終身監禁判決於未成年人犯罪的案件中視為「殘酷且不尋常」,並宣告此判決為違憲。


近期在美國爆發了一宗殺人犯的審判。一位未成年少年(Danta Wright)因搶劫導致另一位年輕人死亡,他被控非法持槍、搶劫和謀殺等重罪。由於雙方達成認罪協議,因為未成年的關係,他認為很快就能離開法院。在審理期間,他不斷微笑,完全藐視法庭的嚴肅性。與此同時,被害人家屬在庭上不斷流淚並詛咒。而加害人則不僅沒有悔意,還特意反擊,聲稱自己很快就能回家與家人團聚。


Recently, in Taiwan, a shocking incident occurred where a student, due to evicting a female classmate, led to her calling someone for help, resulting in the victim being attacked and fatally stabbed ten times. This has raised concerns about whether the so-called juvenile law serves as a "get out of jail free" card, allowing underage individuals to evade legal consequences, becoming a focal point of discussion. Let's examine similar cases in advanced countries like Japan and the United States.

In both Japan and the United States, crimes committed by minors are typically subject to legal consequences and are generally not treated as exempt from guilt. However, the legal systems and approaches to handling juvenile offenders may differ between the two countries.

In the United States, crimes committed by minors are usually evaluated based on factors such as their age, the nature and severity of the offense, and the terms of state laws. In some cases, minors may face imprisonment, but alternative forms of punishment, such as community service, counseling, or other therapeutic measures, may also be employed. Additionally, certain states may categorize certain serious crimes as "adult offenses," even if committed by minors, leading to trials in adult courts.

In Japan, the handling of juvenile crimes also depends on the nature and severity of the offense. The Japanese Penal Code has specific provisions for juvenile crimes, emphasizing the "educational treatment" of juvenile offenders. Cases involving juvenile crimes are typically processed by family courts, and sentences for minors may include rehabilitation, counseling, and other educational measures. However, for extremely serious crimes, juvenile offenders may still face criminal responsibility.

In general, both Japan and the United States have legal systems that impose constraints and sanctions on crimes committed by minors.

Regarding cases where juvenile offenders receive the death penalty, it is important to note that such instances are relatively rare, as most legal systems around the world have special provisions for minors, emphasizing education, rehabilitation, and recovery. Here are some cases in Japan and the United States, with some details potentially restricted due to legal protection of minors' criminal records:

In 2012, Evan Miller, a juvenile in Alabama, USA, was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for the murder of an adult male. This case eventually reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that life imprisonment without parole for juvenile offenders in cases like this was "cruel and unusual" and declared the sentence unconstitutional.

In 1997, a juvenile boy in Japan attacked and killed two toddlers in a kindergarten in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. The juvenile was ultimately sentenced to the death penalty. Due to being a minor, the name of the child was not disclosed, and details of some cases involving minors may be restricted in Japan.

The recent trial in the United States involves a juvenile, Danta Wright, who committed a homicide during a robbery. He faces charges of illegal possession of a firearm, robbery, and murder. Due to a plea agreement reached by both parties and his status as a minor, he believes he can soon leave the courtroom. Throughout the trial, he continuously smiled, completely disregarding the seriousness of the court. Meanwhile, the victim's family cried and cursed in court. The perpetrator showed no remorse and even countered, claiming he would soon be back home with his loved ones.

The judge witnessing everything expressed that in the past 23 years, he had never rejected a settlement agreement between parties. However, faced with the perpetrator's indifferent smiles and laughter, as if murder was no big deal, the judge made the final decision, sentencing him to 52 years in prison without the possibility of parole.







2012年、アメリカのアラバマ州で未成年者のエヴァン・ミラー(Evan Miller)は成人男性を殺害した罪で終身刑を言い渡され、偽善にならずにはすまされません。このケースは最終的に米国最高裁に上訴され、最高裁は未成年者による犯罪の場合、終身刑は「残酷で異常なもの」と見なし、この判決は違憲であると宣告しました。

1997年、日本の神奈川県横浜市で未成年の少年が幼稚園で2人の幼児を襲撃し殺害しました。この未成年者は最終的に極刑を言い渡されました。未成年者の刑事記録は法的に保護されているため、一部のケースの詳細は制約されている可能性があり、これは日本で特に顕著です。最近のアメリカの審判では、未成年者であるダンタ・ライト(Danta Wright)が搶奪中に殺人を犯しました

