











中植集團所有在崗人員對投資者產生損失深表歉意,並深刻且充分認識到整體風險化解工作的緊迫性、重要性、嚴肅性。在此,我們向廣大投資者鄭重承諾: 遵循市場化、法治化原則, 集團將嚴格遵守法律規定,積極配合並敦促仲介機構進一步深化清產核資工作,準確查清資產債務具體情況,將集團所有資產、權益,公平公正地用於投資者權益的保障。集團所有在崗人員將繼續堅守崗位、履職擔當,做好現有資產的有序運營,對於不良債權,應追盡追,應收盡收,保障投資者合法權益。


According to public information on the official website of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, the company's predecessor, Heilongjiang Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, was established in 1995, initially engaged in paper material operations and real estate development. In 1999, the company underwent a shareholding system transformation and officially became Zhongzhi Enterprise Group. Starting from 2001, the group entered the financial industry while actively expanding its real estate development business. In 2002, it began a vigorous development of trust business and has since become an asset management company headquartered in Beijing.

Recently, Zhongzhi Enterprise Group formally announced its bankruptcy application and simultaneously released an apology statement online. If the bankruptcy is successful, investors may be unable to recover their investment funds. This represents the largest financial storm in China to date, involving an unexpectedly large number of people and funds. It could lead to losses for 150,000 wealthy investors and over 5,000 clients, with investment amounts ranging from over 3 million RMB to more than 5 billion RMB.

Under the Zhongzhi Enterprise Group umbrella, there are a total of 2,929 investment and holding companies, including 15 listed companies. Last year's public information indicated that the book value of net assets was reduced to only 200 billion RMB, primarily composed of debt and equity investments rather than cash. These debts have a considerable duration, but the available cash for recovery is quite limited.

According to official statements, deducting margin and related debt interest, the company's debt is estimated to be between 420 billion and 460 billion RMB, severely insufficient to repay its debts. The current registration status of the companies is as limited liability entities, where business owners and major shareholders have limited liability. The company's head, Jie Zhi Kun, passed away two years ago, making it challenging to claim damages even under an unlimited liability system.

The first step in the bankruptcy process is liquidation, and if there are surplus assets, there might be a chance of repayment. However, due to the severe insolvency, the probability of investors recovering their funds is almost zero.

The company's core operation involves stock trading through high-interest loans. Despite generating profits by deducting interest payments to investors, recent poor performances in the stock market and real estate led to substantial losses in Zhongzhi Enterprise Group' trust business. In August 2023, the group's trust company, Zhongrong Trust, faced significant losses in real estate investments, exceeding 350 billion RMB, causing a halt in redemption for trust products. This event garnered considerable market attention and set the stage for the subsequent bankruptcy application this year.

The company's apology statement is as follows:

On December 18, 2021, Mr. Jie Zhikun, the actual controller of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, passed away suddenly. Several executives and key personnel subsequently resigned or left their positions. Coupled with the group and its subsidiaries being highly dependent on the decisions of the original controller, the internal management faced a state of dysfunction. Despite the group's efforts to implement a series of self-rescue measures by adjusting organizational structures and mechanisms to reverse operational difficulties, the results fell short of expectations. Substantial defaults occurred in various products related to the group, and we deeply apologize to all investors.

After the group encountered difficulties, it engaged intermediaries to conduct a comprehensive asset and capital verification. Preliminary investigations found that, firstly, the simulated merger-calculated book value of the group's total assets is approximately 200 billion RMB. Due to the concentration of group assets in debt and equity investments, with long durations and low expected recoverable amounts, there is a severe liquidity crisis, and asset impairment is significant. Secondly, the scale of debt is enormous, with related liabilities excluding margin around 4200-4600 billion RMB. Preliminary investigations show that the group is severely insolvent, facing significant ongoing operational risks, and short-term resources available for debt repayment are far below the overall debt scale.

Due to the enormous scale of the group's assets, the complex distribution of industries, and the multitude of operating and project entities, further audit verification is required for a large number of equity-holding corporate assets, related financing, and external guarantee matters. The final asset and liability situation may be adjusted based on the audit findings, and we will promptly inform investors of relevant information. Simultaneously, we will clarify the historical context, adopt a zero-tolerance policy for any acts that may have encroached upon the interests of the group and investors, and once discovered and confirmed, whether by a company or an individual, relevant responsibilities will be pursued in accordance with the law, and related properties will be recovered.

All in-service personnel of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group express sincere apologies for the losses suffered by investors. We deeply and fully recognize the urgency, importance, and seriousness of the overall risk resolution work. We solemnly pledge to the vast investors that, following market-oriented and rule-of-law principles, the group will strictly comply with legal provisions. We will actively cooperate and urge intermediary institutions to further deepen the work of asset and capital verification, accurately clarify the specific situation of assets and liabilities, and use all group assets and equities fairly and justly to safeguard investor rights. All in-service personnel of the group will continue to stand firm in their positions, fulfill their duties, ensure the orderly operation of existing assets, vigorously pursue and recover non-performing assets, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

Once again, we extend our most sincere apologies to all investors!