

《完蛋! 我被美女包圍了!》是一款於2023年11月在大陸推出的真人戀愛情境模擬遊戲。所有女主角皆由真人扮演,玩家需根據個人喜好及背景制定不同策略,透過各種活動和冒險培養感情,最終贏得心儀的對象。


"Oops! I'm Surrounded by Beauties!" is a real-life romantic simulation game released in mainland China in November 2023. All female characters are portrayed by real people, and players need to devise different strategies based on their personal preferences and backgrounds. Through various activities and adventures, players cultivate relationships to ultimately win the hearts of their desired partners.

Following the success of this game, other companies have started to emulate its formula. Notably, Taiwan's renowned MaDou Media has launched a real interactive game titled "This Interview is a Bit Tough." The game features the participation of their actresses and is currently available for pre-order at a price of TWD 599, with the chance to win offline meeting tickets.