iPhone 正確的充電方法!


iPhone 正確的充電方法:如果手機充到 100% 再拔出就會損壞電池。隨時充一下電對電池並不會造成傷害。等到完全沒電才充對電池的耗損極大。若能長期保持電池在 5% 到 75% 的範圍內,就能使其使用壽命更長。

Correct charging methods for the iPhone: Charging the phone to 100% and then unplugging it can damage the battery. Charging the battery intermittently won't cause harm. Waiting until it is completely depleted before recharging results in significant battery wear. Maintaining the battery within the range of 5% to 75% over the long term can extend its lifespan.