《戀與深空》× KIRABASE 期間限定主題店


《戀與深空》× KIRABASE 期間限定主題店


趕快登入三創基地 在《戀與深空》展開你與他的超現實愛情之旅 《戀與深空》是一款近未來幻想的超現實3D沉浸戀愛互動手遊。透過沉浸式的第一人稱視角演出、真實戀愛互動、多感官玩法設定提供高擬真戀愛體驗,讓玩家有十足的帶入感,彷彿你的他就在身邊。


獨家精美隨餐特典 合作限定限量收藏 活動期間內,凡於店內消費特製合作主餐、甜點或特調飲品,就隨餐附贈限定特典,參與常駐活動還有機會獲得限量明信片及獨家透卡,獵人們千萬別錯過此次機會!

《戀與深空》X KIRABASE 期間限定主題店

活動店鋪:KIRABASE 三創店 | 台北市中正區市民大道三段2號8樓

活動期間:2024年2月21日 ~ 2024年4月15日 










The highest-spec anime-themed restaurant in Taiwan, "KIRABASE," announced today (the 7th) that it will collaborate with the hyper-realistic 3D immersive romance interactive mobile game "Love and Deep Space" from February 21, 2024 (Wednesday) to April 15, 2024 (Monday), holding a two-month limited-time "Love and Deep Space" themed pop-up store at the Syntrend Creative Park.

"Love and Deep Space" is a hyper-realistic 3D immersive romance interactive mobile game set in a near-future fantasy world. Through immersive first-person perspective performances, real romantic interactions, and multi-sensory gameplay settings, it provides players with a highly realistic romantic experience, allowing them to fully immerse themselves as if their significant other is right beside them.

This collaboration revolves around the three core characters, Li Shen, Shen Xinghui, and Qi Yu, combining their hobbies and backgrounds to introduce their respective exclusive main courses, desserts, and beverages, injecting a special appearance and soul into this collaboration. The scene is based on the story background of the city of Lin Kong, with the walls of the restaurant featuring various appearances and poses of the three characters, as well as life-sized standees of them. While enjoying the specialty dishes, it feels like stepping into the game and enjoying a visual and gustatory feast with beloved characters!