


Mushy / cheesy 肉麻

What’s on your mind 你的想法?

You are incorrigible你沒救了

When all is said and done 歸根結底

Way to go 幹的好

Poppycock 胡說八道

Quit yanking me 別忽悠我了

Have a cow 非常生氣

It’s mind-blowing 不可思議

Talk to talk, walk the walk 說到做到

Forgive and forget 原諒並忘記

Join the club / You and me 彼此彼此

Step up your game 再接再厲 持續努力

Sell someone down the river 在緊要關頭背叛某人

Snap out of it 清醒一點

Call it even 扯平了

Don’t walk all over me 不要利用我

Don’t push your luck 別得寸進尺

I’m at a loss for words 真是無言

I spaced out 我發一下呆

Tell it like it is 實話實說

That’s harsh 真是刺耳難聽