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1. Processed meats: Such as smoked, salted, and cured meats, which contain high levels of salt and additives. Long-term consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. To maintain flavor and shelf life, processed meats often contain a significant amount of edible salt and sometimes nitrites.

2. Sugary drinks: These beverages, high in sugar and calories, are associated with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases when consumed excessively. Carbonated drinks often contain large amounts of artificial colorings, sweeteners, and preservatives, severely impacting health. Many bubble tea drinks also contain fructose, placing a heavy burden on the liver and contributing to problems like fatty liver.

3. Fast food and processed foods: These items typically contain excessive amounts of salt, sugar, and trans fats, which are detrimental to health and may lead to obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other issues.

4. Fried foods: Including deep-fried and pan-fried dishes, these foods are high in fat and calories. Long-term consumption may increase the risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. During frying, nutrients are often degraded, and harmful compounds like acrylamide can be formed, potentially carcinogenic.

5. High-salt foods: Including pickled foods, convenience foods, and fast food items with excessive salt content. Excessive salt intake may lead to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

6. Trans fats: Found in some processed and fried foods, long-term consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

7. High-sugar snacks and sweets: Such as cakes, cookies, candied fruits, and chocolates, which contain excessive amounts of sugar and calories, detrimental to dental and overall health. Many candied fruits contain high levels of preservatives, lacking in nutrition and potentially harmful. Cakes often contain artificial cream with large amounts of trans fats and sugar, which can lead to cognitive decline and a decrease in attractiveness when consumed excessively.

Don’t buy long-term frozen meats and fruits, as they often contain large amounts of artificial colors and preservatives. Some canned foods may contain excessive levels of food dyes. Instant noodles and inflated snacks should be consumed sparingly, as they are often made with palm oil, flour, sweet potatoes, and edible salt, lacking in nutrition and high in fat, salt, and calories.

To maintain health, it is recommended to limit the intake of these harmful foods, choose more fresh and natural foods for home cooking, and maintain a balanced diet.