

由於肩傷的影響,今年的大谷翔平專注於打擊。目前,他已經擊出26支長打。根據外媒的統計,以目前的速度前進,有可能達到108支長打,打破由全壘打王邦茲(Barry Bonds)保持的單季107支長打紀錄。而魯斯(Babe Ruth)在1921年創下的紀錄是119支,該紀錄已經懸掛超過百年。今年大谷的全壘打數也有機會突破他之前的個人最佳紀錄,即46支全壘打,甚至有可能敲出50支。

Due to a shoulder injury, Shohei Ohtani has been focusing on batting this year. Currently, he has recorded 26 extra-base hits. According to foreign media statistics, at his current pace, he could reach 108 extra-base hits, breaking the single-season record of 107 held by home run king Barry Bonds. Babe Ruth set the record at 119 in 1921, which has been hanging for over a century. There is also a chance that Ohtani's extra-base hit total for the year could surpass his previous personal best of 46, possibly even reaching 50.