


聯合國安全理事會(UN Security Council,簡稱UNSC)由15個成員國組成,其中包括5個常任理事國和10個非常任理事國。這5個常任理事國具有否決權,這意味著他們可以單方面否決任何非程序性決議。







歷史背景:聯合國成立於1945年,當時世界剛剛經歷第二次世界大戰。聯合國的前身是國際聯盟(League of Nations),該組織因缺乏執行力和無法防止二戰爆發而失敗。在設計聯合國架構時,主要的戰勝國(美國、蘇聯、英國、中國、法國)希望確保新的國際組織能夠維持國際和平與安全,並防止再次爆發大規模戰爭。




On May 10, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution calling on the Security Council to consider admitting Palestine as a member of the United Nations. The final vote was 143 in favor and 9 against. Despite the resolution passing in the General Assembly, this does not mean that Palestine will automatically be recognized as a member state. The main obstacle is that the United States, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, is expected to exercise its veto power and directly oppose the proposal.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is composed of 15 member countries, including 5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. The 5 permanent members have veto power, meaning they can unilaterally block any non-procedural resolution.

Members of the United Nations Security Council

Permanent Members (P5): United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China.

Non-Permanent Members: Non-permanent members are elected by the United Nations General Assembly for two-year terms and cannot be immediately re-elected. Half of the non-permanent members (5 countries) are replaced each year. The current members (as of 2024) include:Slovenia、Guyana、Sierra Leone、South Korea、Algeria.

Why can the permanent members veto United Nations resolutions?

The reason for the permanent members' veto power can be traced back to the history and design purpose of the United Nations:

Historical Background: The United Nations was established in 1945, just after the end of World War II. Its predecessor, the League of Nations, failed due to a lack of enforcement power and its inability to prevent the outbreak of WWII. When designing the UN structure, the major victorious powers (the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, China, and France) wanted to ensure that the new international organization could maintain international peace and security and prevent another large-scale war.

Maintaining Great Power Consensus: The permanent members represented the main victorious powers and the world's major military powers at the time. Granting them veto power was intended to ensure that they could maintain consensus on major international decisions, preventing conflicts among great powers from escalating into global wars. The veto mechanism ensures that UN decisions are not implemented without the support of the major powers, thereby increasing the legitimacy and enforceability of those decisions.

Great Power Responsibility and Rights: Permanent members have greater international responsibilities, including maintaining global security and stability. The veto power reflects these nations' greater influence in international affairs.

Balance of Power: The veto is also a mechanism for balancing power, preventing certain countries or groups from gaining excessive influence within the United Nations.

In summary, the veto power of the permanent members is part of the design of the United Nations Security Council, intended to ensure that decisions on international peace and security have the support and consensus of the major powers. This design reflects the political realities and needs of the time but has also been criticized for concentrating too much power in the hands of a few countries.