

《刺客教條:暗影者》(Assassin's Creed Shadows)的最新宣傳影片發布後,許多日本玩家紛紛不買單,玩家們兩極化的反應也出現在開發商育碧股價大跌上。官方正式回應稱,男主角的設定與政治正確無關,因為黑人角色在日本歷史上真實存在。目前,有關彌助的維基百科資料遭到反覆修改,次數高達50多次。遊戲現已開放預售,預計2024年11月正式上市。

After the release of the latest promotional video for "Assassin's Creed Shadows," many Japanese players expressed their dissatisfaction. The polarized reactions from players were also reflected in a significant drop in Ubisoft's stock price. The official response stated that the main character's setting is not related to political correctness, as a Black character truly existed in Japanese history. Currently, the Wikipedia entry for Yasuke has been edited over 50 times. The game is now available for pre-order and is scheduled for official release in November 2024.