








In 1999, Lee Teng-hui proposed the "Two-State Theory," also known as the "Special State-to-State Relations Theory." He asserted that Taiwan and China are two distinct countries and should interact on the basis of state-to-state relations. This argument sparked widespread discussion and controversy at the time, particularly in mainland China, where it elicited a strong reaction, as it was seen as a challenge to the "One China" principle.

After Lai Ching-te was elected President of Taiwan, he stated during his inauguration on May 20 that Taiwan and China are "not subordinate to each other." This statement continued the spirit of Lee Teng-hui's "Two-State Theory," implying that Taiwan and China are two independent entities, neither subordinate to nor unified with each other. This stance reflects the current Taiwanese government's attitude towards Taiwan's sovereignty and international status, asserting that Taiwan is, in fact, an independent political entity.

However, whether this statement fully aligns with reality remains a subject of differing opinions and controversies. Here are some key points:

Historical and Legal Perspective: According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the policies of most countries worldwide, Taiwan is considered part of China. However, since 1949, Taiwan has functioned as an independent political entity with its own government, military, and economic system.

International Status: Taiwan is officially recognized as an independent country by only a few nations. Most countries and international organizations maintain unofficial or indirect relations with Taiwan, influenced by their diplomatic policies towards mainland China.

Domestic Public Opinion: Within Taiwan, many people support maintaining the status quo or pursuing a clearer independent status. However, there are also some who support unification with China, though this support has decreased in recent years.

Cross-Strait Relations: Mainland China adheres to the "One China" principle and opposes any form of Taiwanese independence. Tensions in cross-strait relations tend to escalate when Taiwanese leaders express independent or non-subordinate positions.

In summary, the stance expressed by Lai Ching-te that Taiwan and China are "not subordinate to each other" has a certain level of support within Taiwan and reflects the Taiwanese government's position on sovereignty. However, this stance continues to face challenges and disputes internationally and from mainland China.