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Diplomatic Policies and Interests:

United States: The U.S. is a staunch ally of Israel. Successive U.S. administrations have generally supported Israel's position on the Middle East issue and opposed the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, believing that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be resolved through peaceful negotiations.

Japan: Japan maintains a relatively neutral stance on the Middle East issue, fostering friendly relations with both Israel and Arab countries. However, Japan has not formally recognized Palestine to avoid diplomatic friction with the U.S. and other Western allies.

Peace Process and Negotiations:

Many Western European countries believe that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process should be resolved through negotiations and support the "two-state solution," which envisions two independent states for Israelis and Palestinians. These countries generally think that unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state could undermine the basis and effectiveness of peace negotiations.

International Political Pressure:

Western European countries often face political pressure from the United States. As NATO members and allies, many Western European countries need to consider their relations and interests with the U.S. in their foreign policies.

Internal Political Considerations:

There are differing views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict within Western European countries. Recognizing Palestine might provoke domestic political disputes and inconsistencies in foreign policy.

Despite this, some Western European parliaments have passed symbolic resolutions urging their governments to recognize Palestine, indicating differing opinions on the Palestine issue within these countries. However, official positions have not significantly changed, reflecting the cautious and complex nature of handling international relations.

Recent Developments:

Israel's continued attacks on Palestine have apparently angered many countries. Following the recognition of Palestine by Sweden, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, Norway, Ireland, and Spain also followed suit on the same day. In response, Israel immediately recalled its ambassadors to Ireland and Norway.