

在募款餐會上,唐德·川普(Donald Trump)揚言如果中國入侵台灣,他將對北京進行轟炸,這一言論引發世界的譁然。近期川普在封口費案中被指控的34項罪名全部成立,他成為美國史上第一位被判刑的前總統。根據專家的分析,川普一定會提出上訴,整個過程需要數月甚至數年,因此不會影響他參選總統大選的資格。



At a fundraising dinner, Donald Trump declared that if China invades Taiwan, he would bomb Beijing, a statement that caused a global uproar. Recently, Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in the hush money case, making him the first former president in U.S. history to be convicted. According to experts, Trump will undoubtedly appeal, a process that could take months or even years, so it will not affect his eligibility to run in the presidential election.

Currently, Trump is 77 years old, and since the crime is non-violent and considering his status as a former president, the judge may ultimately sentence him to a fine, probation, or house arrest. If Trump is elected president, he is unlikely to be detained or imprisoned during his term to avoid disrupting his official duties.

In addition to the hush money case, Trump is involved in three other criminal cases: one involving the subversion of the election, another for illegal possession of classified documents, and the third by Georgia prosecutors accusing Trump and his campaign of attempting to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. However, none of these cases will go to trial before the November election.