


《聖鬥士星矢》 (Original Series):於1986年10月11日~1989年4月1日上映。描述主角星矢和其他青銅聖鬥士一起保護雅典娜,對抗各種敵人,從銀河戰爭、白銀聖鬥士、黃金十二宮、北歐篇到最後對抗海皇波塞冬。

《聖鬥士星矢 冥王哈迪斯十二宮篇》:於2002年11月9日~2003年4月11日(共13話)上映。哈迪斯復活,青銅聖鬥士和黃金聖鬥士們必須穿越十二宮,阻止哈迪斯的陰謀。過去死亡的黃金聖鬥士雙子座撒加、水瓶座卡妙、魔羯座修羅等人復活,企圖突破十二宮,將重要訊息告知雅典娜。

《聖鬥士星矢 冥王哈迪斯冥界篇 前章》:於2005年12月17日~2006年2月18日(共6話)上映。雅典娜和聖鬥士們深入冥界,與哈迪斯的強大手下展開決戰。白銀聖鬥士天琴座奧路菲首次登場。

《聖鬥士星矢 冥王哈迪斯冥界篇 後章》:於2006年12月15日~2007年2月6日(共6話)上映。冥界篇的後續,聖鬥士們試圖徹底終結這場戰爭。黃金十二宮的聖鬥士衝毀嘆息之牆。

《聖鬥士星矢 冥王哈迪斯極樂淨土篇》:於2008年3月28日~2008年8月1日(共6話)上映。星矢與同伴們進入極樂淨土,取得神聖衣並擊敗三巨頭,與附身在瞬身上的哈迪斯作最後的聖戰決鬥。最終星矢為救雅典娜被哈迪斯一劍砍亡。

《聖鬥士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神話》:於2009年6月24日~2010年4月21日上映。以18世紀為背景,講述前一代聖鬥士與哈迪斯的戰爭。故事根據手代木史織的同名漫畫改編。

《聖鬥士星矢 Ω》:於2012年4月1日~2014年3月30日(共97話)上映。劇情:講述新一代聖鬥士的故事,他們繼承前輩的遺志,保護新的雅典娜。劇情設定在原著完結的數十年後。火星人路德維西讓戰爭之神瑪爾斯覺醒,企圖征服地球,聖戰再次展開。

《聖鬥士星矢:黃金魂(Soul of Gold)》:於2015年4月11日~2015年9月26日上映。黃金聖鬥士在與哈迪斯的戰鬥中破壞嘆息之牆後陣亡,後來被北歐神奧丁復活,來到阿斯加德,與洛基及他的手下展開激烈戰鬥。劇情屬於番外篇,與原來的故事沒有任何關係。TV動畫是紀念作品連載30周年的作品,並推出相關的玩具。

《聖鬥士星矢 聖鬥少女翔》:於2018年12月10日~2019年2月11日(共10話)上映。改編自車田正美的漫畫,講述聖鬥少女(Saintia)的故事。主角是雅典娜的侍女聖鬥少女翔子和她的伙伴們,為阻止邪惡女神厄里斯的地球入侵展開一連串的戰鬥。故事發生在十二宮篇之後,是首部以女聖鬥士為主角的動畫。

《聖鬥士星矢:Knights of the Zodiac》:於2019年7月19日(Netflix)上映。這是《聖鬥士星矢》的CG重製版,重新講述原作的故事,但加入現代化的元素和新的人物設計。人物採用3D呈現,而瞬變成女性。這些電視動畫延續《聖鬥士星矢》的經典故事,通過新的角色和設定,吸引不斷變化的觀眾群體。

Saint Seiya TV Anime Series

"Saint Seiya" has released multiple TV anime series, each with different storylines and airing times. Below are the details of these 10 TV anime series, including their airing times and plot summaries:


"Saint Seiya" (Original Series)

Airing Time: October 11, 1986 - April 1, 1989

Plot: Follows the protagonist Seiya and other Bronze Saints as they protect Athena and fight against various enemies, including the Galactic War, Silver Saints, Gold Saints of the Twelve Palaces, the Asgard Arc, and finally Poseidon.

"Saint Seiya: Hades Sanctuary Chapter"

Airing Time: November 9, 2002 - April 11, 2003 (13 episodes)

Plot: Hades is resurrected, and the Bronze Saints and Gold Saints must cross the Twelve Palaces to stop his plans. The deceased Gold Saints, such as Gemini Saga, Aquarius Camus, and Capricorn Shura, are revived and attempt to break through the Twelve Palaces to deliver important information to Athena.

"Saint Seiya: Hades Inferno Chapter - Part 1"

Airing Time: December 17, 2005 - February 18, 2006 (6 episodes)

Plot: Athena and the Saints venture into the underworld to confront Hades' powerful subordinates. The Silver Saint Lyra Orphée makes his first appearance.

"Saint Seiya: Hades Inferno Chapter - Part 2"

Airing Time: December 15, 2006 - February 6, 2007 (6 episodes)

Plot: The continuation of the Inferno Chapter, where the Saints attempt to end the war once and for all. The Gold Saints of the Twelve Palaces destroy the Wailing Wall.

"Saint Seiya: Hades Elysion Chapter"

Airing Time: March 28, 2008 - August 1, 2008 (6 episodes)

Plot: Seiya and his companions enter Elysion, obtain the God Cloths, and defeat the three giants. They face Hades, who is possessing Shun, in the final battle. In the end, Seiya sacrifices himself to save Athena and is struck down by Hades.

"Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Myth of Hades"

Airing Time: June 24, 2009 - April 21, 2010

Plot: Set in the 18th century, it tells the story of the previous generation of Saints fighting against Hades. The story is based on the manga of the same name by Shiori Teshirogi.

"Saint Seiya Ω (Omega)"

Airing Time: April 1, 2012 - March 30, 2014 (97 episodes)

Plot: Tells the story of a new generation of Saints who inherit the will of their predecessors and protect the new Athena. The story is set decades after the original series. The Martian Ludovic awakens the war god Mars and attempts to conquer Earth, leading to a new Holy War.


"Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold"

Airing Time: April 11, 2015 - September 26, 2015

Plot: The Gold Saints, who perished after destroying the Wailing Wall in the battle against Hades, are resurrected by the Norse god Odin. They travel to Asgard and engage in fierce battles against Loki and his followers. This side story is separate from the main series and was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the series, with related toys released.

"Saint Seiya: Saintia Shō"

Airing Time: December 10, 2018 - February 11, 2019 (10 episodes)

Plot: Adapted from Masami Kurumada's manga, it tells the story of the Saintias, the maidens of Athena. The main character, Shoko, and her companions fight to stop the evil goddess Eris from invading Earth. The story takes place after the Twelve Palaces arc and is the first anime to feature female Saints as the main characters.

"Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac"

Airing Time: July 19, 2019 (Netflix)

Plot: This is a CG remake of "Saint Seiya," retelling the original story with modern elements and new character designs. The characters are presented in 3D, and Shun is portrayed as a female. These TV anime continue the classic "Saint Seiya" story while introducing new characters and settings to attract a changing audience.

