

《城市獵人》(City Hunter/シティーハンター)是日本漫畫家北条司創作的著名作品,最早於1985年在《週刊少年Jump》連載,直到1991年結束。該作品後來被改編成動畫、電影及電視劇,並在全球範圍內獲得廣泛的影響和受歡迎程度。


《城市獵人》的故事主要圍繞在東京新宿的私家偵探冴羽獠(Ryo Saeba)和他的搭檔槇村香(Kaori Makimura)。冴羽獠是一名優秀的私家偵探,專門處理危險案件,如保護目標人物、解決謀殺陰謀等。儘管他的本事和職業道德無可挑剔,但他也有著好色和愛開玩笑的一面,經常惹怒槇村香,並因此常常遭到她用巨大錘子揍一頓。


冴羽獠(Ryo Saeba):故事的男主角,是一位技術高超的私家偵探和槍手。他具有優秀的身手、靈敏的反應和高度的專業道德。他的標誌性武器是一把Colt Python左輪手槍,並以其精準的槍法而聞名。在執行任務時,他相當冷靜和果斷的,但在日常生活中,卻常常展現出好色的一面,經常調戲美女,這也是他和槇村香之間矛盾的來源。

槇村香(Kaori Makimura):冴羽獠的搭檔和助手,也是槇村秀幸(Makimura Hideyuki)的妹妹。槇村香在槇村秀幸去世後接替哥哥成為冴羽獠的搭檔。她是一名堅強、獨立且非常有正義感的女性。儘管槇村香對冴羽獠的好色行為非常反感,但她對他也有著深厚的感情,並一直在工作和生活中支持他。

槇村秀幸(Hideyuki Makimura):槇村香的哥哥,也是冴羽獠的原搭檔。在故事的早期階段,槇村秀幸被犯罪組織暗殺,這促使槇村香接替他的角色,成為冴羽獠的新搭檔。

海坊主(Falcon/Umibozu):一名強壯且具有威脅性的傭兵,真名為伊集院隼人(Hayato Ijuin)。儘管他看起來非常嚴肅和冷酷,但其實心地善良,並有著細膩的一面。他與冴羽獠之間有著既是競爭對手又是朋友的複雜關係。

野上冴子(Saeko Nogami):新宿警察局的一名刑警,也是冴羽獠的情報來源之一。她是一位美麗且聰明的女性,經常利用自己的美貌來操控冴羽獠完成一些高風險的任務。冴羽獠對她有著特殊的感情,但兩人之間的關係複雜且充滿緊張和矛盾。



"City Hunter" is a renowned work by Japanese manga artist Tsukasa Hojo, initially serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 until 1991. The series was later adapted into anime, films, and television dramas, achieving widespread influence and popularity worldwide.


Plot Overview

"City Hunter" revolves around Ryo Saeba, a private detective in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and his partner Kaori Makimura. Ryo is an exceptional private detective who specializes in handling dangerous cases such as protecting targets and solving murder conspiracies. Despite his remarkable skills and professional ethics, Ryo is also known for his lecherous and playful nature, which often angers Kaori and results in her hitting him with a giant hammer.

Main Characters

Ryo Saeba: The protagonist of the story, Ryo is a highly skilled private detective and marksman. He is known for his excellent physical abilities, sharp reflexes, and high professional standards. His signature weapon is a Colt Python revolver, renowned for his precise shooting skills. While he is calm and decisive during missions, in his daily life, he often displays a lecherous side, constantly flirting with women, which is a major source of conflict between him and Kaori.

Kaori Makimura: Ryo's partner and assistant, as well as the younger sister of Hideyuki Makimura. After Hideyuki's death, Kaori takes over her brother's role as Ryo's partner. She is a strong, independent woman with a strong sense of justice. Although she is highly critical of Ryo's lecherous behavior, she deeply cares for him and supports him both in work and life.

Hideyuki Makimura: Kaori's older brother and Ryo's original partner. In the early stages of the story, Hideyuki is assassinated by a criminal organization, prompting Kaori to take his place as Ryo's partner.

Umibozu (Falcon): A strong and intimidating mercenary whose real name is Hayato Ijuin. Despite his serious and cold demeanor, he has a kind heart and a sensitive side. He shares a complicated relationship with Ryo, being both a rival and a friend.

Saeko Nogami: A police detective in Shinjuku and one of Ryo's information sources. She is a beautiful and intelligent woman who often uses her looks to manipulate Ryo into taking on high-risk missions. Ryo has special feelings for her, but their relationship is complex and filled with tension and contradictions.

Plot Features

"City Hunter" combines elements of action, comedy, and romance, presenting a dangerous yet humorous urban world. The cases in the story often involve high-risk criminal activities, requiring Ryo and Kaori to use their intelligence and courage to solve these problems. Behind the serious cases, the interactions between the characters and Ryo's comedic antics add a lot of lighthearted and humorous elements to the story.

This series, with its tight plot, rich characters, and diverse emotional layers, has become a classic anime, accumulating a large global fan base.

