1979年上映的《鋼彈》(Mobile Suit Gundam)。


《鋼彈》(Mobile Suit Gundam)是由日本動畫導演富野由悠季創作的科幻機甲動畫系列,於1979年首次播出。故事背景設定在「宇宙世紀」(Universal Century)紀年,描繪地球聯邦和吉翁公國之間的戰爭,以及少年阿姆羅·雷駕駛鋼彈機甲參與戰鬥的經歷。


一年戰爭:故事發生在宇宙世紀(U.C.)0079年,地球聯邦政府和吉翁公國之間爆發一場被稱為「一年戰爭」的激烈衝突。吉翁公國,位於地球軌道上的殖民地,宣布獨立並對地球聯邦發起戰爭。戰爭初期,吉翁憑藉其新型機動戰士(MS:Mobile Suit)「扎古」系列,突襲SIDE1、SIDE2、SIDE4殖民區,並取得重大優勢。

白色基地的起航:阿姆羅·雷,一名居住在聯邦殖民地Side 7的少年,是「V計畫」負責人提姆.雷的兒子,無意間發現地球聯邦的秘密武器— RX-78-2鋼彈。在吉翁的襲擊中,他被迫駕駛鋼彈,保護自己的朋友和家人。隨後,他和其他倖存者一起登上地球聯邦的戰艦「白色基地」(White Base),並被捲入地球聯邦和吉翁公國的戰爭。

鋼彈的戰鬥:阿姆羅和白色基地的成員們面臨著吉翁的多次襲擊,包括紅色彗星夏亞·阿茲納布爾(Char Aznable)的追擊。夏亞是一名技術高超的吉翁王牌飛行員,他對阿姆羅駕駛的鋼彈抱有強烈的興趣和敵意。隨著戰鬥的深入,阿姆羅逐漸成為了一名優秀的鋼彈駕駛員,同時也發現自己擁有一種特殊能力——新人類(Newtype),這種能力使他能夠超越普通人的極限。

吉翁的陰謀:在一年戰爭中,吉翁公國進行一系列陰謀和恐怖行動,包括使用殖民地進行撞擊地球的「Operation British」計劃,造成巨大災難。白色基地成員們在各種戰鬥中逐漸團結起來,並展現出強大的戰鬥力。他們在各地擊敗吉翁部隊,並最終參與地球聯邦軍對吉翁總基地阿·巴瓦·庫(A Baoa Qu)的決戰。



阿姆羅·雷(Amuro Ray):故事的主角,一名技術天才少年,成為鋼彈的駕駛員,擁有Newtype能力。

夏亞·阿茲納布爾(Char Aznable):吉翁的王牌飛行員,具有卓越的戰鬥技巧,被稱為「紅色彗星」。

布萊特·諾亞(Bright Noa):白色基地的年輕艦長,負責指揮整個艦隊。

弗勞·鮑(Fraw Bow):阿姆羅的青梅竹馬,白色基地的成員之一。

塞拉·瑪斯(Sayla Mass):白色基地的操作員,實際上是吉翁公國皇族的成員。

伊·西登(Kai Shiden):白色基地的機師,駕駛Guncannon機甲。

哈亞圖·小林(Hayato Kobayashi):白色基地的成員,後來成為RX-75 Guntank的駕駛員。




"Mobile Suit Gundam," created by Japanese animation director Yoshiyuki Tomino, is a sci-fi mecha anime series that first aired in 1979. The story is set in the "Universal Century" calendar and depicts the war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon, as well as the experiences of a young boy, Amuro Ray, who pilots the Gundam mech in battle.

Plot Summary

One Year War: The story takes place in U.C. 0079, during the intense conflict known as the "One Year War" between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. Zeon, a colony located in Earth's orbit, declares independence and launches a war against the Earth Federation. At the beginning of the war, Zeon gains significant advantages by deploying their new mobile suits (MS), the "Zaku" series, to attack the colonies of Side 1, Side 2, and Side 4.

White Base's Journey: Amuro Ray, a young boy living in the Federation colony Side 7, is the son of Tem Ray, the head of the "V Project." Amuro accidentally discovers the Earth Federation's secret weapon, the RX-78-2 Gundam. Amidst a Zeon attack, he is forced to pilot the Gundam to protect his friends and family. Subsequently, he and other survivors board the Earth Federation battleship "White Base," and become entangled in the war between the Earth Federation and Zeon.

Gundam's Battles: Amuro and the crew of White Base face numerous attacks from Zeon, including persistent pursuits by the "Red Comet," Char Aznable, a highly skilled Zeon ace pilot. Char harbors a strong interest and animosity toward the Gundam piloted by Amuro. As battles progress, Amuro evolves into a formidable Gundam pilot and discovers he possesses a special ability—Newtype, which allows him to surpass normal human limits.

Zeon's Schemes: Throughout the One Year War, the Principality of Zeon engages in a series of conspiracies and terror acts, including "Operation British," where a colony is used to crash into Earth, causing massive devastation. The crew of White Base becomes increasingly united and showcases strong combat prowess, defeating Zeon forces in various battles and ultimately participating in the Earth Federation's decisive attack on Zeon's main base, A Baoa Qu.

Final Battle: In the climactic battle, Amuro faces off against Char in a final showdown. This confrontation is not only between two ace pilots but also a clash of Newtype abilities. Ultimately, Amuro triumphs over Char and destroys Zeon's main base, ending the One Year War. Despite the war's end, Amuro and his comrades continue to reflect on the horrors of war and their yearning for lasting peace.

Main Characters

Amuro Ray: The protagonist, a technically gifted teenager who becomes the pilot of Gundam and possesses Newtype abilities.

Char Aznable: Zeon's ace pilot, known for his exceptional combat skills and dubbed the "Red Comet."


Bright Noa: The young captain of White Base, responsible for commanding the entire fleet.

Fraw Bow: Amuro's childhood friend and a member of White Base.

Sayla Mass: An operator on White Base, who is secretly a member of Zeon royalty.

Kai Shiden: A pilot on White Base who operates the Guncannon mobile suit.

Hayato Kobayashi: A member of White Base who later becomes the pilot of the RX-75 Guntank.

Series Characteristics

When the original "Mobile Suit Gundam" anime was first released, it struggled with low ratings and faced potential early cancellation. However, the release of model kits sparked a craze and quickly garnered a large fan base. The series is renowned for its deep reflections on war, its portrayal of human nature, and its complex character relationships. It is not merely a mecha combat anime but also a work that explores themes of war, humanity, and social issues. The success of "Mobile Suit Gundam" initiated the enduring "Gundam" series, which has become a classic representative of mecha anime and continues to produce new anime series to this day.

