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The main reasons for women entering this industry are the discrimination prevalent in Japanese society and their own higher material desires. Unless born into wealthy families, typical female college students often need to apply for student loans, burdened with principal and high-interest payments, and lacking access to dormitories. Consequently, many female students accumulate substantial debt during their academic years.

Local convenience store wages are meager, with only 1000 Japanese yen per hour, while wages in the adult industry can range from 10,000 to 50,000 Japanese yen per hour. This leads to many female students entering this field to earn substantial income, which is used to cover their significant student loans and living expenses.

After graduation, finding regular employment in corporations is quite challenging for female graduates. Most start with temporary positions, and even with high academic qualifications, climbing to higher positions is difficult. Typically, they work as dispatch or trainee employees, receiving low wages and lacking social security.

As a result, Japanese women are generally in a state of poverty, forced to work in the adult industry to sustain their livelihoods. Unless they find supportive male figures, it is challenging for them to secure a better future.