


11月14日,烏克蘭當局在西部利沃夫的聖彼德與聖保羅教堂(Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul)為他舉行隆重的告別儀式,並為他覆蓋烏克蘭國旗。曾聖光的媽媽、姊姊與遺孀均在現場,現場也有近百位市民前來弔唁。


In February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out. Many foreigners volunteered to help Ukraine fight against Russia, including about 10 individuals from Taiwan. On November 2, Tseng Sheng-Guang from Hualien was killed in action in Luhansk Oblast, eastern Ukraine. He was hiding in a trench when a shell hit the back of his head, making him the first Taiwanese to die fighting for Ukraine.

On November 14, Ukrainian authorities held a solemn farewell ceremony for him at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, western Ukraine. Tseng Sheng-Guang was honored with a Ukrainian flag draped over his body. His mother, sister, and widow were present at the ceremony, along with nearly a hundred citizens who came to pay their respects.

Currently, Independence Square in Ukraine is filled with numerous flags and photos of fallen soldiers from around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, and Belarus. Tseng Sheng-Guang's photo is prominently displayed at the front, next to photos of his comrades, including a Japanese volunteer soldier who was killed in action shortly after Tseng Sheng-Guang's death.