


《任天堂明星大亂鬥DX》(Super Smash Bros. Melee)是一款於2001年11月21日發行的格鬥遊戲,銷售數據超過709萬套。這款遊戲聚集任天堂眾多經典角色,如瑪利歐、林克、皮卡丘等,可以在不同的場景中進行對戰。遊戲沒有具體的劇情,主要以角色之間的對戰為主。

《瑪利歐賽車 雙重衝刺!!》(Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)於2003年11月7日發行,銷售數據超過690萬套。這是一款競速遊戲,可以選擇不同的瑪利歐系列角色和賽車進行比賽。遊戲的主要目的是在各種賽道上競速,使用道具干擾對手,並最終贏得比賽。

《超級瑪利歐陽光》(Super Mario Sunshine)於2002年7月19日發行,銷售數據超過590萬套。瑪利歐和他的朋友們來到美麗的Delfino島度假,但瑪利歐被誤認為破壞島嶼的罪犯。為了證明自己的清白,瑪利歐必須使用一個叫FLUDD的水槍清潔島嶼,並找出真正的罪魁禍首。

《薩爾達傳說 風之律動》(The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)於2003年12月13日發行,銷售數據超過300萬套。遊戲設定在一個廣袤的海洋世界,主角林克要拯救被魔王劫持的妹妹。林克駕駛著風之杖(Wind Waker)操控風向,在各個島嶼間航行,解開謎題並打敗敵人,最終拯救海拉魯王國。

《路易吉洋樓》(Luigi's Mansion)於2001年9月14日發行,銷售數據超過230萬套。路易吉贏得一棟鬼屋作為獎品,但發現他的兄弟瑪利歐被困在裡面。路易吉必須勇敢地探索這棟鬧鬼的房子,使用一個特別的吸塵器捕捉鬼魂,並救出瑪利歐。

《動物森友會》(Animal Crossing)於2001年12月14日發行,銷售數據超過230萬套。玩家搬到一個由擬人化動物居住的村莊,並且在這裡開始新的生活。遊戲不設具體目標,可以自由安排自己的日常活動,如捕魚、捕蟲、挖掘化石和與村民互動。

《銀河戰士Prime》(Metroid Prime)於2002年11月17日率先在北美發行,銷售數據超過200萬套。主角薩姆斯·亞蘭(Samus Aran)是一名賞金獵人,她在一個外星星球上調查宇宙海盜的活動。薩姆斯需要探索這個星球,解決各種謎題,擊敗敵人,並最終阻止海盜的陰謀。

《瑪利歐派對4》(Mario Party 4)於2002年10月21日先在北美發行,銷售數據超過200萬套。這是一款多人派對遊戲,可以選擇瑪利歐系列的角色,在各種棋盤上進行比賽和迷你遊戲。目的是收集最多的星星並獲得勝利,遊戲充滿競爭和樂趣。

《寶可夢 圓形競技場》(Pokemon Colosseum)於2003年11月21日發行,銷售數據超過180萬套。遊戲設定在一個被稱為Orre地區的虛構世界,玩家扮演一個前邪惡組織的成員,使用偷來的暗影寶可夢來對抗新的邪惡勢力。目的是淨化這些暗影寶可夢並揭示背後的陰謀。

《瑪利歐派對5》(Mario Party 5)於2003年11月10日在北美發行,銷售數據超過150萬套。延續《Mario Party》系列的玩法,可以在各種主題的棋盤上與其他角色進行比賽,參加不同的迷你遊戲,目標是獲得最多的星星並成為最終的贏家。



Here are the top ten best-selling Nintendo GameCube games, including the game names, release dates, sales figures, and story introductions:

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a fighting game released on November 21, 2001, with sales exceeding 7.09 million copies. This game brings together many classic Nintendo characters, such as Mario, Link, and Pikachu, who battle it out in various stages. The game lacks a specific storyline and primarily focuses on character battles.

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! was released on November 7, 2003, and sold over 6.90 million copies. It is a racing game where players can choose from various Mario series characters and karts to compete in races. The main objective is to race across different tracks, use items to hinder opponents, and ultimately win the race.

Super Mario Sunshine was released on July 19, 2002, and sold over 5.90 million copies. Mario and his friends visit the beautiful Delfino Island for a vacation, but Mario is mistaken for a criminal who vandalized the island. To clear his name, Mario must use a water-spraying device called FLUDD to clean up the island and find the real culprit.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was released on December 13, 2003, and sold over 3 million copies. The game is set in a vast ocean world where the protagonist, Link, must rescue his sister, who has been kidnapped by a dark lord. With the Wind Waker, a magical conductor's baton, Link sails between islands, solves puzzles, and defeats enemies to ultimately save the Kingdom of Hyrule.

Luigi's Mansion was released on September 14, 2001, and sold over 2.30 million copies. Luigi wins a haunted mansion as a prize, but discovers his brother Mario is trapped inside. Luigi must bravely explore the mansion, using a special vacuum cleaner to capture ghosts and save Mario.

Animal Crossing was released on December 14, 2001, and sold over 2.30 million copies. Players move to a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals and start a new life there. The game has no specific goals, allowing players to freely engage in daily activities like fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, and interacting with villagers.

Metroid Prime was first released in North America on November 17, 2002, and sold over 2 million copies. The protagonist, Samus Aran, is a bounty hunter investigating the activities of space pirates on an alien planet. Samus explores the planet, solves puzzles, fights enemies, and ultimately thwarts the pirates' schemes.

Mario Party 4 was first released in North America on October 21, 2002, and sold over 2 million copies. This multiplayer party game allows players to choose Mario series characters and compete on various themed boards and mini-games. The goal is to collect the most stars and win the game, which is full of competition and fun.

Pokemon Colosseum was released on March 22, 2004, and sold over 1.8 million copies. The game is set in a fictional region called Orre, where players take on the role of a former member of an evil organization. Using stolen shadow Pokémon, they fight against a new evil force, aiming to purify the shadow Pokémon and uncover the conspiracy.

Mario Party 5 was released on November 10, 2003, in North America and sold over 1.5 million copies. Continuing the Mario Party series' gameplay, players compete on various themed boards, participate in different mini-games, and aim to collect the most stars to become the ultimate winner.

These games not only achieved significant sales success but also provided rich experiences in gameplay and creativity, making them classics on the GameCube platform.

