超合金魂(Soul of Chogokin)的前10款玩具


超合金魂(Soul of Chogokin)系列是由萬代(Bandai)推出的一系列高品質合金機器人玩具。主要致敬經典的機器人動畫和漫畫,具有高度的細節設計和可動性,自1997年推出以來,受到機器人愛好者和收藏家的喜愛。以下是超合金魂系列中的GX-01到GX-10的詳細介紹,包括背景和發行時間:

1.GX-01 無敵鐵金剛(Mazinger Z) :於1997年發行。Mazinger Z是由永井豪創作的經典機器人漫畫和動畫。主角兜甲兒(Koji Kabuto)駕駛Mazinger Z對抗邪惡的Dr.Hell,保護人類的冒險。完美再現Mazinger Z的形狀,具有高度可動性和精細的金屬結構,使得它成為收藏家的珍品。

2.GX-02 金剛大魔王(Great Mazinger):於1998年發行。Great Mazinger是Mazinger Z的後繼機器人,由劍鐵也(Tetsuya Tsurugi)駕駛。這部作品講述的是在前作之後,劍鐵也駕駛更強大的Great Mazinger來對抗新的威脅。這款玩具不僅再現了動畫中的細節,還加入了多種配件和武器,提升了遊玩體驗。

3.GX-03 超電磁機器人 孔巴特拉V(Combattler V):於1999年發行,源自動畫《超電磁機器人孔巴特拉V》(Chōdenji Robo Combattler V)。講述是五位英雄分別駕駛戰鬥機及戰車,合體成為Combattler V對抗邪惡勢力的故事。完美重現合體的過程,具有高度可動性,可以擺出各種戰鬥姿勢。

4.GX-04 UFCO機器人 金剛戰神(UFO Robot Grendizer): 於2000年發行,出自動畫《UFO機器人Grendizer》的機器人。杜克·弗利德(Duke Fleed)使用強大的Grendizer對抗Vega帝國的入侵。再現經典造型和武器配件。

5.GX-05 大空魔龍鎧王(Daiku Maryu Gaiking):於2001年發行,來自動畫《大空魔龍Gaiking》。故事講述的是大空魔龍和人型機器人Gaiking聯手對抗邪惡勢力的冒險。這款玩具能夠再現大空魔龍和Gaiking的合體過程,並具有豐富的可動性和配件。

6.GX-06 蓋特機器人(Getter Robo):於2001年發行,來自經典動畫《蓋特機器人》(Getter Robo)。這部動畫講述三位英雄駕駛的三台海陸空用的機器人能夠合體變形,對抗邪惡勢力。重現卡通的組合模式。

7.GX-07無敵鐵金剛OVA版 (Mazinger Z OVA):2001年發行,這是根據OVA動畫版本重新設計的Mazinger Z。具有逼真的外型和新的配件,使得在原作的基礎上更具可玩性和收藏價值。

8.GX-08 亞芙蘿黛A(Aphrodai A):於2002年發行,來自Mazinger Z系列中的女性機器人。Aphrodai A由女主角弓沙也加(Sayaka Yumi)駕駛,用來支援Mazinger Z對抗敵人。重現的卡通造型,並附帶多種武器配件。

9.GX-09 無敵女金剛:美莉芭X(Minerva X):於2002年發行,來自Mazinger Z中的另一台女性機器人。被設定為Mazinger Z的情侶,具有相似的武器和能力。重現Minerva X的優雅造型和強大的武器系統。

10.GX-10 阿強一號/老大機器人(Boss Borot):於2002年發行,來自Mazinger Z中的搞笑機器人。由主角兜甲兒的朋友阿強駕駛,主要提供搞笑和支援角色。再現其滑稽造型和多種搞笑配件,成為系列中的一大亮點。



The Soul of Chogokin series is a line of high-quality alloy robot toys launched by Bandai. It mainly pays tribute to classic robot animations and manga, featuring high-detail designs and articulation. Since its release in 1997, it has been beloved by robot enthusiasts and collectors. Here is a detailed introduction to the GX-01 to GX-10 series, including background and release dates:

GX-01 Mazinger Z: Released in 1997. Mazinger Z is a classic robot manga and animation created by Go Nagai. The protagonist Koji Kabuto pilots Mazinger Z to fight against the evil Dr. Hell and protect humanity. This figure perfectly replicates the shape of Mazinger Z with high articulation and intricate metal structures, making it a prized collectible.

GX-02 Great Mazinger: Released in 1998. Great Mazinger is the successor to Mazinger Z, piloted by Tetsuya Tsurugi. The story follows Tetsuya as he pilots the more powerful Great Mazinger to combat new threats. This toy not only recreates the details from the animation but also includes various accessories and weapons, enhancing the play experience.

GX-03 Combattler V: Released in 1999, from the animation "Chōdenji Robo Combattler V". It tells the story of five heroes who each pilot combat vehicles and combine to form Combattler V to fight evil forces. This toy perfectly recreates the combining process and has high articulation, allowing for various battle poses.

GX-04 UFO Robot Grendizer: Released in 2000, from the animation "UFO Robot Grendizer". Duke Fleed uses the powerful Grendizer to fight against the Vega Empire's invasion. The figure recreates the classic design and includes weapon accessories.

GX-05 Daiku Maryu Gaiking: Released in 2001, from the animation "Daiku Maryu Gaiking". The story revolves around the adventures of Daiku Maryu and the humanoid robot Gaiking teaming up to fight evil forces. This toy can replicate the combining process of Daiku Maryu and Gaiking and features rich articulation and accessories.

GX-06 Getter Robo: Released in 2001, from the classic animation "Getter Robo". This animation tells the story of three heroes piloting three air, land, and sea robots that can combine and transform to fight evil forces. The toy recreates the combination modes from the cartoon.

GX-07 Mazinger Z OVA Version: Released in 2001, this is a redesigned Mazinger Z based on the OVA animation version. It features realistic appearance and new accessories, making it more playable and collectible on the foundation of the original.

GX-08 Aphrodai A: Released in 2002, from the Mazinger Z series featuring the female robot. Aphrodai A is piloted by the female protagonist Sayaka Yumi to support Mazinger Z in fighting enemies. The toy recreates the cartoon design and includes various weapon accessories.

GX-09 Minerva X: Released in 2002, another female robot from Mazinger Z. It is set as Mazinger Z's counterpart, with similar weapons and abilities. The toy recreates Minerva X's elegant design and powerful weapon systems.

GX-10 Boss Borot: Released in 2002, from Mazinger Z, featuring the comedic robot. Piloted by Koji Kabuto's friend Boss, it mainly provides comic relief and support. The toy recreates its funny design and includes various comedic accessories, becoming a highlight of the series.

These early Soul of Chogokin series products not only recreate the details and articulation of classic robots but also retain the essence of the original works, making these toys precious collectibles. Over time, Bandai continues to launch more Soul of Chogokin series products, each incorporating modern technology and design, fulfilling many people's childhood memories.

