


木質過山車(T Express)是愛寶樂園最著名的過山車之一,是亞洲第一座木製過山車,也是世界上最陡的木製過山車之一,最高下落角度達到77度。以高速和急轉彎吸引眾多遊客,是愛寶樂園的代表性設施。

野生動物世界(Safari World Safari World)是一個獨特的動物園區,遊客可以乘坐特製巴士,近距離觀賞各種野生動物,包括獅子、老虎、熊等。這些動物生活在模仿其自然棲息地的大型開放空間中,給遊客帶來身臨其境的感受。

亞馬遜激流探險(Amazon Express)是一個水上漂流設施,模擬亞馬遜河的探險旅程。乘坐橡皮筏沿著激流漂流,途中會經歷急流、漩渦和瀑布,適合家庭和朋友一起體驗。

遺失的峽谷(Lost Valley)另一個動物探險區,可以乘坐兩棲車輛,觀賞大象、長頸鹿、斑馬等動物。這些動物自由地在開放空間中活動,可以近距離觀察並了解它們的生活習性。

環球市集(Global Fair)是愛寶樂園的入口區域,充滿各種風格的建築和雕塑,展示來自世界各地的文化和藝術。這裡有許多餐廳、商店和表演場地,適合遊客購物和享受美食。

魔術天地(Magic Land)是一個充滿奇幻色彩的區域,適合家庭和孩子。這裡有旋轉木馬、兒童過山車和魔法城堡等設施,讓小朋友們沉浸在童話世界中。


愛寶(Ai Bao):雌性大熊貓,性格溫順,喜愛攀爬和玩耍。原本在中國因為受到飼養員的虐待,相當懼怕人類,送到韓國後變得相當開朗。之前產下福寶,目前福寶已經送到四川飼養。愛寶目前主要跟後來生下的雙胞胎(睿寶跟輝寶)一起生活,等兩隻小熊貓約3歲時,仍須送回中國。

樂寶(Le Bao):雄性大熊貓,個性溫馴活潑,喜歡探索和玩弄玩具。




Everland (에버랜드/EverLand) is South Korea's largest theme park, located in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, covering over 4.5 million square meters. Operated by Samsung C&T Corporation, the park officially opened on April 17, 1976. It features five major themed zones: Global Fair, American Adventure, Magic Land, European Adventure, and Zootopia. The park offers over 40 thrilling rides and attractions, displays a variety of animals and flowers, making it an ideal destination for family outings and sightseeing.

Major Attractions

T Express, one of Everland's most famous roller coasters, is Asia's first wooden roller coaster and one of the steepest in the world, with a maximum drop angle of 77 degrees. Its high speed and sharp turns attract numerous visitors, making it a signature attraction of Everland.

Safari World is a unique zoo area where visitors can ride special buses to see various wild animals up close, including lions, tigers, and bears. These animals live in large open spaces that mimic their natural habitats, providing an immersive experience for visitors.

Amazon Express is a water rafting ride that simulates an adventure journey along the Amazon River. Riders navigate through rapids, whirlpools, and waterfalls on rubber rafts, making it a perfect experience for families and friends.

Lost Valley is another animal adventure zone where visitors can ride amphibious vehicles to see elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other animals. These animals roam freely in open spaces, allowing visitors to observe and learn about their habits up close.

Global Fair is the entrance area of Everland, filled with various styles of architecture and sculptures showcasing cultures and arts from around the world. It offers numerous restaurants, shops, and performance venues, making it a great place for shopping and enjoying food.

Magic Land is a fantasy-themed area suitable for families and children. It features attractions like a carousel, children's roller coasters, and a magic castle, allowing young visitors to immerse themselves in a fairy-tale world.


Panda World

Panda World is a dedicated area in Everland that houses two giant pandas, Ai Bao and Le Bao. These pandas are part of a joint conservation effort between China and South Korea and were introduced from China in 2016. Panda World simulates the natural habitat of pandas with both indoor and outdoor activity areas, allowing visitors to observe their lives and activities up close.

Ai Bao, a female giant panda, is known for her gentle personality and love of climbing and playing. Originally fearful of humans due to previous mistreatment in China, she became much more cheerful after moving to Korea. Ai Bao previously gave birth to Fu Bao, who has since been relocated to Sichuan for further care. Ai Bao currently lives with her later-born twins (Rui Bao and Hui Bao), who are expected to return to China at around three years of age.

Le Bao, a male giant panda, has a docile and lively personality, enjoying exploring and playing with toys.

Panda World also features educational exhibits and interactive experiences that introduce the ecology, conservation, and research work related to pandas. These facilities aim to raise public awareness about the importance of panda conservation and provide a fun and educational visit.

Everland is a comprehensive theme park that combines thrilling rides, diverse animal exhibits, and rich cultural experiences. Whether it’s young thrill-seekers, families with children, or animal lovers, everyone can find something enjoyable at Everland. Panda World, in particular, adds a unique charm to the park, especially with the high popularity of Fu Bao, the first panda born in Korea, who has a photo book and a dedicated song. Although Fu Bao has been sent back to China, Ai Bao and Le Bao continue to be beloved by Koreans, making the park a must-visit attraction for many foreign tourists.