

景福宮 ((경복궁)/Gyeongbokgung Palace):建於1392年,是朝鮮王朝的主要宮殿,也是韓國五大宮闕中規模最大、最具代表性的宮殿。宮殿內有許多重要建築,如光化門、勤政殿、慶會樓等,每年吸引無數遊客參觀。此外,景福宮內還有國立民俗博物館,展示韓國傳統生活和文化。每天的守門將交替儀式是遊客不可錯過的活動之一。

南山首爾塔 (N Seoul Tower):位於南山山頂,是首爾的著名地標之一,於1980年開放。塔高236米.7,提供360度全景視野,可以俯瞰整個首爾市區。塔內設有觀景台、餐廳和紀念品店,是約會和觀光的熱門地點。特別是在夜晚,塔身燈光秀和首爾夜景相得益彰,美不勝收。

明洞 (Myeong-dong):是首爾最繁華的購物區之一,擁有眾多國際品牌專賣店、韓國本土設計師店和美妝店。這裡也是品嚐美食的好地方,街頭小吃、韓國傳統餐廳和咖啡館應有盡有。無論是購物還是美食,明洞都是遊客必訪的地區之一。

仁寺洞 (Insadong):搭地鐵就可以到,以其傳統與現代相結合的氛圍而聞名,是體驗韓國文化和藝術的絕佳地點。這裡有許多古董店、畫廊、茶館和傳統工藝品店,出售各種韓國傳統手工藝品。週末時,這邊的主要街道會禁止車輛通行,變成步行街,讓遊客可以悠閒地逛街和參觀。

昌德宮 (Changdeokgung Palace):是朝鮮王朝的離宮,建於1405年,是韓國保存最完好的宮殿之一。宮內的後苑(Secret Garden)因其美麗的自然景觀和建築而聞名,具有重要的歷史和文化價值。昌德宮被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產,是了解韓國歷史和文化的必訪之地。

北村韓屋村 (Bukchon Hanok Village):保存數百棟傳統韓國房屋(韓屋),這些房屋至今仍有人居住或作為文化展示場所。這裡的街道蜿蜒曲折,古樸的韓屋與現代城市景觀相映成趣。遊客可以參加導覽遊,了解韓屋的建築特色和韓國的傳統生活方式。

東大門設計廣場 (Dongdaemun Design Plaza, DDP):由著名建築師札哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)設計,於2014年3月21日正式開放。這座獨特的建築集合設計、藝術、文化和購物等多種功能,內有展覽廳、設計博物館、購物區和綠地等。每年舉辦多場國際設計展覽和時尚活動,是創意愛好者的天堂。

梨泰院 (Itaewon):首爾的國際化地區,類似香港的蘭桂坊,以其多元文化和國際化氛圍而聞名。這裡有各種國際餐廳、酒吧、咖啡館和精品店,是體驗異國風情和夜生活的好地方。梨泰院也是外籍人士聚集的區域之一,經常舉辦各種國際文化交流活動。之前曾發生踩踏意外,造成嚴重傷亡。

三清洞 (Samcheong-dong):位於景福宮和昌德宮之間,以其古色古香的街道和現代藝術氛圍而著稱。這裡有許多咖啡館、畫廊、設計師店和餐廳,適合悠閒漫步和觀賞藝術作品。街道兩旁種滿銀杏樹,秋天時樹葉金黃,是拍照的好地方。

首爾清溪川 (Cheonggyecheon Stream):一條貫穿首爾市中心的13.7公里人工河道,於2005年重新開放。原本是一條被掩埋的舊河道,經過重建後成為城市的綠色走廊。河道兩旁設有步道和綠地,提供市民和遊客一個放鬆和休閒的場所。夜晚時分,河道上會亮起燈光,營造出浪漫的氛圍。



Detailed Introduction to Seoul's Top Ten Tourist Attractions

Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁)

Built in 1392, Gyeongbokgung Palace is the main palace of the Joseon Dynasty and the largest and most representative among the Five Grand Palaces of Korea. The palace features many significant buildings such as Gwanghwamun Gate, Geunjeongjeon Hall, and Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, attracting numerous visitors each year. Additionally, the National Folk Museum of Korea, located within the palace grounds, exhibits traditional Korean life and culture. The daily guard-changing ceremony is a must-see event for tourists.

N Seoul Tower

Located on the summit of Namsan Mountain, N Seoul Tower is one of Seoul's most famous landmarks, opened in 1980. Standing at 236.7 meters, it offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the entire city. Inside the tower, there are observation decks, restaurants, and souvenir shops, making it a popular spot for dating and sightseeing. Especially at night, the tower's light show and the city's nightscape create a stunning visual experience.


Myeong-dong is one of Seoul's busiest shopping districts, featuring numerous international brand stores, local designer boutiques, and beauty shops. It's also a great place to enjoy food, with street vendors, traditional Korean restaurants, and cafes aplenty. Whether for shopping or dining, Myeong-dong is a must-visit area for tourists.


Accessible by subway, Insadong is renowned for its blend of traditional and modern atmospheres, making it an excellent place to experience Korean culture and art. The area is filled with antique shops, galleries, teahouses, and traditional craft shops selling various Korean handcrafts. On weekends, the main street is closed to vehicles, turning into a pedestrian zone where visitors can leisurely stroll and explore.

Changdeokgung Palace

Built in 1405, Changdeokgung Palace served as a secondary palace for the Joseon Dynasty and is one of the best-preserved palaces in Korea. Its Secret Garden, known for its beautiful natural scenery and architecture, holds significant historical and cultural value. Changdeokgung is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is essential for understanding Korean history and culture.

Bukchon Hanok Village

Bukchon Hanok Village preserves hundreds of traditional Korean houses (hanok), which are still inhabited or used as cultural exhibition spaces. The village's winding alleys, where traditional hanok and modern urban landscapes intertwine, offer a picturesque setting. Visitors can join guided tours to learn about hanok architecture and traditional Korean lifestyles.

Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP)

Designed by renowned architect Zaha Hadid, Dongdaemun Design Plaza opened on March 21, 2014. This unique building combines design, art, culture, and shopping, featuring exhibition halls, a design museum, shopping areas, and green spaces. It hosts numerous international design exhibitions and fashion events each year, making it a paradise for creative enthusiasts.



Itaewon is Seoul's international district, similar to Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong, known for its multicultural and cosmopolitan atmosphere. The area boasts a variety of international restaurants, bars, cafes, and boutique shops, making it an excellent spot for experiencing diverse cultures and nightlife. Itaewon is also a gathering place for expatriates and frequently hosts international cultural exchange events. However, it has experienced tragic incidents, such as a stampede causing severe casualties.


Located between Gyeongbokgung Palace and Changdeokgung Palace, Samcheong-dong is famous for its charming streets and modern artistic atmosphere. The area is dotted with cafes, galleries, designer shops, and restaurants, perfect for leisurely walks and art appreciation. The streets lined with ginkgo trees turn golden in autumn, making it a great place for photography.

Cheonggyecheon Stream

Cheonggyecheon Stream is a 13.7-kilometer-long artificial waterway running through downtown Seoul, reopened in 2005. Originally a buried old stream, it was transformed into a green corridor through urban renewal. The stream's banks feature walking paths and green spaces, offering a relaxing spot for citizens and tourists. At night, the illuminated stream creates a romantic ambiance.


Seoul, the capital of South Korea, seamlessly blends ancient and modern, tradition and innovation, providing a diverse array of sightseeing experiences. Whether exploring ancient palaces and villages or experiencing the bustling modern cityscape and creativity, Seoul caters to all types of travelers. These attractions showcase the city's diversity and charm, making it a beloved destination for tourists worldwide.