

1. 外灘(The Bund):上海最具代表性的地標之一,位於黃浦江畔,全長約1.5公里。這裡保存眾多具有歷史意義的建築,包括20多棟風格各異的歐式建築,展示上海在20世紀初的繁榮景象。遊客可以沿著外灘漫步,欣賞對岸的浦東新區現代化高樓大廈,如東方明珠塔、上海中心大廈等,特別是夜晚的燈光秀,更是美不勝收。可搭乘地鐵,在人民廣場站下車,依照標示行走即可到達,越晚越美麗,還可搭船夜遊黃浦江。黃浦江將上海一分為二,浦西的開發較早,房價比較高,而浦東早期大部分都是農田,目前也到處新大樓林立,最有名的是外觀類似開罐器的商業大樓,有許多金融業入住,可在陸家嘴站欣賞該地的繁榮。

2. 東方明珠塔(Oriental Pearl Tower):位於浦東新區的陸家嘴,是上海的地標性建築之一,塔高468米,於1994年建成。塔內設有觀光廳、旋轉餐廳和太空艙等設施。可以登上塔頂的觀景台,俯瞰整個上海市區和黃浦江的壯麗景色。此外,塔內的上海城市歷史發展陳列館展示上海的發展歷史,該區附近的豪華酒店眾多,消費相當昂貴。

3. 上海迪士尼樂園(Shanghai Disneyland):位於浦東新區川沙新鎮,是中國大陸內地第一座迪士尼樂園,也是世界第6座,於2016年6月16日開放。樂園分為七大主題區,包括米奇大街、奇想花園、探險島、明日世界、寶藏灣、夢幻世界和迪士尼.皮克斯玩具總動員主題園區。可以在這裡體驗各種刺激的遊樂設施,觀看精彩的演出,與迪士尼角色合影,度過一個充滿童趣的夢幻之旅。

4. 南京路步行街(Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street):是上海最著名的購物街,全長約1500多米,連接外灘和人民廣場。這裡聚集眾多大型百貨公司、精品店、餐廳和娛樂場所,是購物和休閒的好去處。晚上燈火通明,充滿繁華和活力,吸引著無數遊客和市民前來逛街和購物。每逢國慶假日就會有多外地人來此逛街購物,在地鐵的人民廣場站下車後行走就到。

5. 豫園(Yu Garden):位於黃浦區,有400多年歷史的江南古典園林,是上海5大古典園林之一。園內有亭台樓閣、假山池塘和花木扶疏,布局精巧、景色宜人。代表性景點包括大假山、玉玲瓏和九曲橋等。周邊的豫園商城和城隍廟也是熱門的旅遊景點,這裡有許多傳統小吃和手工藝品,是體驗上海歷史和文化的好地方。進城隍廟需要買票才能入場。

6. 上海博物館(Shanghai Museum):位於人民廣場南側,成立於1952年,是中國著名的綜合性博物館之一。館內收藏豐富的中國古代藝術品,包括青銅器、陶瓷、書畫、雕塑、玉器等,共計12萬餘件。展品展示中國悠久的歷史和燦爛的文化,吸引著眾多中外遊客前來參觀。

7. 田子坊(Tianzifang):田子坊位於黃浦區的泰康路210弄,是由一片具有歷史意義的石庫門建築改造而成的創意園區。這裡聚集眾多藝術工作室、設計師店、咖啡館和餐廳,充滿文藝氣息。這的街巷蜿蜒曲折,每個角落都散發著濃厚的藝術氛圍,是藝術愛好者和文青必訪之地。

8. 新天地(Xintiandi):新天地位於黃浦區,是一個將傳統石庫門建築與現代商業綜合體結合的時尚區域。有眾多高檔餐廳、酒吧、精品店和娛樂場所,吸引大量遊客和當地年輕人前來消費和娛樂。不僅是購物和美食的好去處,還是體驗上海現代都市生活的理想場所。早期由香港開發商負責開發跟招商,吸引許多企業主入駐,該開發商後來還在香港上市。

9. 靜安寺(Jing'an Temple):位於靜安區,是上海市區內歷史最悠久的佛教寺廟之一,始建於公元247年。寺內有大雄寶殿、三聖殿和天王殿等重要建築,供奉著釋迦牟尼佛、阿彌陀佛和觀音菩薩。靜安寺是上海市民和遊客心靈寄託的地方,每年吸引大量香客前來拜佛祈福。搭地鐵到靜安寺站就可到,附近有一些米其林餐廳,吸引不少饕客前往品嘗。

10. 徐家匯天主教堂(St. Ignatius Cathedral):位於徐匯區,是中國著名的哥特式天主教堂之一,建成於1910年。教堂由法國傳教士設計,具有典型的歐洲哥特式建築風格。教堂內部裝飾華麗,有精美的彩色玻璃和宗教壁畫,是欣賞宗教藝術和建築美學的好地方。教堂每周舉行的彌撒和音樂會也吸引眾多信徒和遊客。



Detailed Introduction to Shanghai's Top Ten Tourist Attractions

The Bund: The Bund, one of Shanghai's most iconic landmarks, is located along the Huangpu River, spanning about 1.5 kilometers. It preserves numerous historically significant buildings, including over 20 European-style structures that showcase Shanghai's prosperity in the early 20th century. Visitors can stroll along the Bund and admire the modern skyscrapers of the Pudong New Area on the opposite bank, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower and Shanghai Tower. The nighttime light show is especially spectacular. The Bund is easily accessible by taking the subway to People's Square Station and following the signs. It becomes even more beautiful as it gets later, and you can also take a night cruise on the Huangpu River. The river divides Shanghai into two parts: Puxi, which was developed earlier and has higher property prices, and Pudong, which was largely farmland in the past but now features numerous new buildings, including the famous bottle opener-shaped commercial building in Lujiazui, home to many financial institutions.

Oriental Pearl Tower: Located in Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, the Oriental Pearl Tower is one of Shanghai's most prominent landmarks. Standing 468 meters tall, it was completed in 1994. The tower features an observation deck, a revolving restaurant, and a space capsule, offering breathtaking views of the entire city and the Huangpu River. Additionally, the Shanghai Municipal History Museum inside the tower showcases the city's development history. The surrounding area has numerous luxury hotels, making it an expensive destination.

Shanghai Disneyland: Situated in Chuansha New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Disneyland is the first Disney theme park in mainland China and the sixth in the world. It opened on June 16, 2016. The park is divided into seven themed areas, including Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Adventure Isle, Tomorrowland, Treasure Cove, Fantasyland, and Disney-Pixar Toy Story Land. Visitors can enjoy various thrilling rides, watch spectacular performances, take photos with Disney characters, and experience a magical journey filled with childlike wonder.

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street: Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street is Shanghai's most famous shopping street, stretching about 1,500 meters and connecting the Bund and People's Square. It is home to numerous large department stores, boutique shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, making it a great place for shopping and leisure. The street is brightly lit at night, bustling with energy and attracting countless tourists and locals. During national holidays, it becomes a popular shopping destination for visitors from other regions. It is easily accessible from People's Square Station.

Yu Garden: Located in the Huangpu District, Yu Garden is a classical Jiangnan-style garden with a history of over 400 years. It is one of Shanghai's five classical gardens, featuring pavilions, halls, rockeries, ponds, and lush plants arranged in a beautiful and intricate layout. Key attractions include the Grand Rockery, Jade Exquisite, and the Nine Bend Bridge. The surrounding Yuyuan Bazaar and City God Temple are also popular tourist spots, offering a variety of traditional snacks and handicrafts, providing a rich cultural experience. Entry to the City God Temple requires a ticket.

Shanghai Museum: Situated on the south side of People's Square, Shanghai Museum was established in 1952 and is one of China's most renowned comprehensive museums. It houses an extensive collection of ancient Chinese art, including bronzes, ceramics, calligraphy, paintings, and jade, totaling over 120,000 pieces. The exhibits display China's long history and splendid culture, attracting many domestic and international visitors.

Tianzifang: Located at Lane 210, Taikang Road, Huangpu District, Tianzifang is a creative arts enclave transformed from a historical Shikumen architectural area. It is home to numerous art studios, designer shops, cafes, and restaurants, exuding a strong artistic atmosphere. The winding alleys and artistic ambiance make it a must-visit spot for art lovers and culture enthusiasts.


Xintiandi: Situated in the Huangpu District, Xintiandi is a stylish area that combines traditional Shikumen architecture with modern commercial complexes. It features many high-end restaurants, bars, boutique shops, and entertainment venues, attracting numerous tourists and young locals. It is an excellent destination for shopping and dining, as well as experiencing Shanghai's modern urban lifestyle. Developed by a Hong Kong-based developer, it attracts many business owners and has led to the developer's later success in listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Jing'an Temple: Located in the Jing'an District, Jing'an Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Shanghai, originally built in 247 AD. It houses significant buildings like the Mahavira Hall, the Hall of the Three Saints, and the Hall of Heavenly Kings, enshrining statues of Buddha Shakyamuni, Amitabha, and Guanyin. Jing'an Temple is a place of spiritual solace for both locals and tourists, drawing many worshippers annually. The temple is accessible via Jing'an Temple Station, and nearby Michelin-starred restaurants attract many gourmet enthusiasts.

St. Ignatius Cathedral: Located in the Xuhui District, St. Ignatius Cathedral is one of China's most famous Gothic-style Catholic churches, completed in 1910. Designed by a French missionary, the church features typical European Gothic architecture. Its interior is adorned with exquisite stained glass and religious murals, making it a great place to appreciate religious art and architectural beauty. The church's weekly masses and concerts also attract many believers and visitors.

Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city that blends Chinese and Western cultures and showcases both ancient and modern charms, offering a rich and diverse travel experience. Whether exploring historical sites or enjoying the bustling urban life, Shanghai caters to different interests and provides a unique and unforgettable visit for travelers from around the world.