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In 2013, Taiwan's political scene was rocked by a significant scandal known as the "Wang Jin-pyng Influence Peddling Case." At that time, Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng was accused of using his position to interfere with judicial proceedings. The core figures involved in this scandal included Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng, Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu, and High Prosecutor's Office Chief Prosecutor Chen Shou-huang.

The affair began in 2013 when the Special Investigation Division (SID) investigated KMT legislator Ker Chien-ming for his alleged involvement in an influence peddling case from 2010. During the investigation, the SID discovered through wiretapping that Wang Jin-pyng, Tseng Yung-fu, and Chen Shou-huang were allegedly using their positions to influence judicial processes.

On September 6, 2013, Ma Ying-jeou, who was the President and KMT Chairman at the time, held a press conference to publicly accuse Wang Jin-pyng of using his position for judicial influence peddling, expressing strong condemnation for such actions. Ma Ying-jeou stated that this behavior undermined judicial independence and violated the principles of the rule of law, demanding that Wang Jin-pyng take responsibility and step down.

Upon returning to Taiwan after the accusations, Wang Jin-pyng publicly denied all charges, asserting that he had not engaged in any influence peddling and emphasizing his consistent respect for judicial independence. Wang's supporters claimed that this was a political maneuver by Ma Ying-jeou to eliminate Wang Jin-pyng and remove internal dissent within the party.

Following Ma Ying-jeou's insistence, the KMT decided on September 11, 2013, to revoke Wang Jin-pyng's party membership. This decision meant that Wang would lose his position as Legislative Yuan President since, under Taiwanese law, the Legislative Yuan President must be a legislator, and an at-large legislator's status requires party affiliation. Wang Jin-pyng, dissatisfied with this decision, filed a lawsuit to have the court overturn the KMT's decision. Ultimately, the Taipei District Court ruled that the KMT's decision to revoke his party membership was invalid, allowing Wang Jin-pyng to retain his position as Legislative Yuan President.

The main reasons behind Ma Ying-jeou's decision to expose Wang Jin-pyng can be summarized as follows:

Firstly, Wang Jin-pyng's actions were seen as violating the principle of judicial independence and affecting the fairness of the rule of law. Ma Ying-jeou aimed to uphold the independence and integrity of the judicial system by exposing this issue.

Secondly, internal factional strife within the KMT was also a significant factor. Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Jin-pyng belonged to different factions within the party, and there were differences in policies and power distribution between them. By exposing Wang Jin-pyng, Ma sought to eliminate internal opposition and consolidate his leadership within the party.

Lastly, Ma Ying-jeou hoped to establish his image in the fight against corruption and the maintenance of judicial justice, demonstrating to society his commitment to political ethics and zero tolerance for corrupt behavior.


The "Wang Jin-pyng Influence Peddling Case" had far-reaching impacts on Taiwan's political landscape. This incident not only caused a split within the KMT but also led to a significant loss of support for the party in subsequent elections, affecting its standing on Taiwan's political stage. Additionally, the case prompted the public to gain a deeper understanding and reflection on power struggles and judicial independence within Taiwanese politics.

Political commentators at the time suggested that the conflict stemmed from differing views on the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement with China. Ma Ying-jeou had long been frustrated by the Legislative Yuan, dominated by the KMT, failing to pass desired legislation. The subsequent Sunflower Movement, during which Wang Jin-pyng took a passive approach and refused to forcefully evict the student protesters occupying the Legislative Yuan, paralyzing national proceedings, further exacerbated the conflict between Ma and Wang.

KMT local faction supporters also criticized Ma Ying-jeou for launching his attack while Wang Jin-pyng was attending his daughter's wedding in Malaysia on September 6, 2013, deeming it highly unethical. Upon Wang's return to Taiwan, he delivered a speech at the airport, surrounded by KMT legislators showing their support. The severe internal division within the KMT contributed to Tsai Ing-wen of the DPP easily defeating Eric Chu in the subsequent presidential election.