萬代的超合金魂:GX-11~GX-24 的完整介紹


1.GX-11 黛安娜A (Dianan A):於2002年6月發行。是Mazinger Z系列中的另一款機器人,由弓沙也加(Sayaka Yumi)駕駛。主要用來協助Mazinger Z作戰,配備先進的武器系統和功能,補充Mazinger Z的戰鬥能力。玩具展現機器人的流線型設計,並包含各種配件,例如木蘭飛彈。

2.GX-12 維納斯A(Venus A):於2002年6月發行。由炎純(Jun Hono)駕駛,作為Mazinger Z的夥伴機器人。像Aphrodai A一樣,也配備自己獨特的武器和能力,包括獨特的回旋鏢攻擊。玩具捕捉機器人的優雅設計,並配有可互換的部件,以展示不同的戰鬥模式。

3.GX-13 超獸機神斷空我(Dancouga):於2003年2月上市。來自動畫《超獸機神斷空我》(Dancouga – Super Beast Machine God)。講述一群駕駛不同載具的飛行員,這些載具可以合體成為強大的Dancouga機器人,用來對抗邪惡的Muge Zorbados帝國。玩具完美再現合體過程,並附有多種機器人強大武器庫的配件。

4.GX-14 新世紀福音戰士初號機(Evangelion EVA-01):於2003年6月發行,來自動畫《新世紀福音戰士》(Neon Genesis Evangelion)中的主要機器人。由碇真嗣(Shinji Ikari)駕駛,初號機以其複雜的設計和激烈的戰鬥場面著稱。玩具有詳細的關節設計和如武器、可互換手部等配件,成為福音戰士迷們夢寐以求的收藏品。

5.GX-15 新世紀福音戰士二號機(Evangelion EVA-02):於2003年8月推出。由惣流·明日香·蘭格雷(Asuka Langley Soryu)駕駛的二號機,以其紅色外觀和侵略性的戰鬥風格聞名。玩具捕捉二號機動態的姿勢和凶猛的外觀,包括各種武器和部件。

6.GX-16 新世紀福音戰士零號機 改(Evangelion EVA-00):於2003年8月發行。原型機由綾波麗(Rei Ayanami)駕駛,具有獨特的藍白配色。有精確的關節設計和多種配件,反映動畫中的角色定位,多樣的展示選擇。

7. GX-17 新世紀福音戰士零號機(Neon Genesis Evangelion EVA-00):於2003年9月發行。零號機是《新世紀福音戰士》動畫中的巨大人型戰鬥機器人,由綾波麗(Rei Ayanami)駕駛。零號機是首個被製造出來的EVA機體,雖然設計上較為原始,但在劇情中起到關鍵作用。這款玩具具有高度的可動性和精細的細節設計,附帶多種武器配件,如電磁步槍(Positron Rifle)和EVA專用盾牌(EVA Shield),並且可以進行多種姿勢的擺放,重現動畫中的經典場景。

8. GX-18 蓋特飛龍(Getter Dragon):於2003年11月推出,來自《蓋特機器人G》(Getter Robo G)系列。是主角們駕駛的三台蓋特機器人之一,用來對抗入侵者。玩具再現機器人的變形和合體功能。

9.GX-19 蓋特獅虎(Getter Liger)和GX-20 蓋特海神波賽頓(Getter Poseidon):均於2003年12月發行,《蓋特機器人G》中的三合一機器人。Getter Liger和Getter Poseidon各有獨特的設計。Getter Liger專門用於陸地戰鬥,具有高機動性,而Getter Poseidon則設計用於水下作戰。可以組合成大型機器人,還可展示各自的戰鬥特色。


10. GX-21 新世紀福音戰士參號機(Neon Genesis Evangelion EVA-03):於2004年3月發行。參號機是《新世紀福音戰士》中第四台被啟動的EVA機體,由鈴原冬二(Toji Suzuhara)駕駛。參號機在初次啟動時受到第十三使徒的攻擊並被控制,最終被零號機和初號機擊毀。這款玩具具備高可動性和精細的細節設計,配有多種武器和配件,如電磁步槍和EVA盾牌,能夠重現動畫中的經典戰鬥場景。

11. GX-22 新世紀福音戰士四號機(Neon Genesis Evangelion EVA-04):於2004年3月發行。在動畫中,四號機並未真正登場,只在背景故事中提及。四號機在美國進行實驗時發生事故,整個基地和機體消失,成為劇情中的一個謎。這款玩具的設計與其他EVA機體相似,但具有獨特的銀色外觀,配有多種武器和配件,可以進行多種動作擺放。

12. GX-23 無敵超人聖彼德3(Zambo Ace):於2004年5月發行。1977年~1978年播出的日本機器人動畫《無敵超人聖彼德3》中的主角機器人,由破嵐萬丈(Harun Banjo)駕駛。聖彼德3具有強大的戰鬥能力,能夠變形為戰鬥機和坦克,對抗邪惡的敵人。這款玩具高度可動,能夠變形為戰鬥機和坦克,並配有多種武器配件,如雙劍和飛彈發射器,重現動畫中的多種形態和戰鬥場景。

13. GX-24 鐵人28號(Tetsujin 28 go):於2004年9月發行。鐵人28號是1956年首次出現在漫畫中的經典機器人,由橫山光輝創作。鐵人28號是世界上第一台被稱為“超級機器人”的機器人,由少年偵探金田正太郎(Shotaro Kaneda)操控,對抗犯罪和邪惡勢力。這款玩具擁有高度的可動性和細節,設計忠實於原作,附有多種配件,如遙控器和替換手臂,使其能夠重現漫畫中的經典場景。



GX-11 Dianan A

Released in June 2002, GX-11 Dianan A is another robot from the Mazinger Z series, piloted by Sayaka Yumi. It is designed to assist Mazinger Z in battles, equipped with advanced weapon systems and features to supplement Mazinger Z's combat capabilities. The toy showcases the robot's streamlined design and includes various accessories such as the Mazer Missile.

GX-12 Venus A

Released in June 2002, GX-12 Venus A is piloted by Jun Hono and serves as a companion robot to Mazinger Z. Like Aphrodai A, Venus A comes with its unique weapons and abilities, including a distinct boomerang attack. The toy captures the robot's elegant design and comes with interchangeable parts to display different combat modes.

GX-13 Dancouga

Released in February 2003, GX-13 Dancouga is from the anime "Dancouga – Super Beast Machine God." The story revolves around a group of pilots who operate different vehicles that combine to form the powerful Dancouga robot, used to fight against the evil Muge Zorbados Empire. The toy perfectly replicates the combination process and comes with various accessories for the robot's powerful arsenal.


GX-14 Evangelion EVA-01

Released in June 2003, GX-14 Evangelion EVA-01 is the main robot from the anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion," piloted by Shinji Ikari. Known for its complex design and intense battle scenes, the toy features detailed joint designs and accessories such as weapons and interchangeable hands, making it a coveted collectible for Evangelion fans.

GX-15 Evangelion EVA-02

Released in August 2003, GX-15 Evangelion EVA-02 is piloted by Asuka Langley Soryu. It is known for its red exterior and aggressive fighting style. The toy captures EVA-02's dynamic poses and fierce appearance, including various weapons and parts.

GX-16 Evangelion EVA-00 Kai

Released in August 2003, GX-16 Evangelion EVA-00 Kai is the prototype unit piloted by Rei Ayanami. It features a unique blue and white color scheme, precise joint designs, and various accessories that reflect the character's role in the anime, offering diverse display options.

GX-17 Evangelion EVA-00

Released in September 2003, GX-17 Evangelion EVA-00 is a giant humanoid robot piloted by Rei Ayanami. As the first EVA unit produced, EVA-00 plays a crucial role in the storyline despite its primitive design. The toy boasts high articulation and detailed features, including accessories like the Positron Rifle and EVA Shield, allowing for various poses to recreate iconic scenes from the anime.

GX-18 Getter Dragon

Released in November 2003, GX-18 Getter Dragon is from the "Getter Robo G" series. It is one of the three Getter robots piloted by the protagonists to fight invaders. The toy replicates the robot's transformation and combination features.

GX-19 Getter Liger and GX-20 Getter Poseidon

Both released in December 2003, GX-19 Getter Liger and GX-20 Getter Poseidon are part of the "Getter Robo G" series. Getter Liger specializes in land combat with high mobility, while Getter Poseidon is designed for underwater operations. These toys can combine to form a larger robot and display their unique combat features.

GX-21 Evangelion EVA-03

Released in March 2004, GX-21 Evangelion EVA-03 is the fourth EVA unit activated in "Neon Genesis Evangelion," piloted by Toji Suzuhara. EVA-03 is attacked and controlled by the 13th Angel during its first activation and is eventually destroyed by EVA-00 and EVA-01. The toy features high articulation and detailed designs, with multiple weapons and accessories like the Positron Rifle and EVA Shield, allowing fans to recreate iconic battle scenes from the anime.


GX-22 Evangelion EVA-04

Released in March 2004, GX-22 Evangelion EVA-04 never actually appears in the anime but is mentioned in the background story. It is said to have disappeared along with an entire base during an experiment in the United States. The toy design is similar to other EVA units but features a unique silver exterior and comes with various weapons and accessories for multiple poses.

GX-23 Zambo Ace

Released in May 2004, GX-23 Zambo Ace is the main robot from the anime "Invincible Superman Zambot 3," which aired from 1977 to 1978. Piloted by Haran Banjo, Zambo Ace has powerful combat abilities and can transform into a fighter jet and tank to fight against evil enemies. The toy is highly articulated, able to transform into its fighter jet and tank forms, and comes with various weapon accessories like swords and missile launchers to recreate different forms and battle scenes from the anime.

GX-24 Tetsujin 28-go

Released in September 2004, GX-24 Tetsujin 28-go is a classic robot that first appeared in a manga created by Mitsuteru Yokoyama in 1956. Tetsujin 28-go is the world's first robot to be referred to as a "super robot," controlled by young detective Shotaro Kaneda to fight against crime and evil forces. The toy features high articulation and detail, designed to be faithful to the original work, and includes various accessories like a remote control and interchangeable arms, allowing it to recreate classic scenes from the manga.

These Soul of Chogokin series toys each maintain high-quality craftsmanship, reflecting the intricate design and functionality of their respective robots. Not only are they valuable collectibles, but they also pay tribute to the classic works of their respective robot series, continuing to captivate the imagination of fans and collectors alike.

