

1. 《快打旋風II》(Street Fighter II) :由Capcom於1991年推出,是格鬥遊戲的里程碑之作。以其平衡的角色設計和精確的操作方式成為經典。首先從8位格鬥家選擇一位參加世界格鬥大賽,最終挑戰背後的主謀M. Bison。每位格鬥家都有自己的故事背景和終極目標,需要擊敗其他角色並最終挑戰M. Bison。之後移植到多個平台,包括SNES、Genesis、PlayStation、Saturn、3DO、PC和Game Boy等。

2. 《鐵拳3》(Tekken 3):由Namco於1996年推出,為3D格鬥遊戲設立新的標竿。選擇一位選手參加鐵拳大賽(King of Iron Fist Tournament),以揭開三島(Zaibatsu)家族的秘密。每位角色有自己的故事和結局,挑戰其他角色及最終頭目Ogre。之後移植到PlayStation、PS2、PS3、PS4和PC等平台。

3. 《魂斗羅:異形戰場》(Contra III: Alien Wars):由Konami於1992年推出,採用橫向捲軸射擊,廣受好評。兩位菁英戰士為對抗外星入侵者,展開拯救地球的任務。多個關卡設計包括城市、森林和外星基地,每個關卡都有強大的頭目。之後移植到SNES、Genesis、Game Boy、PlayStation、PS2、PS4和PC等平台。

4. 《VR快打》(Virtua Fighter):由Sega於1993年推出,是首款3D格鬥遊戲。藉著參加世界格鬥大賽,展開劇情的發展。關卡有許多不同的場地和角色,每個角色有獨特的戰鬥風格和招式。後來移植到Saturn、32X、PS2、PC和Xbox等平台。

5. 《街頭快打》(Final Fight):由Capcom於1989年推出的經典動作遊戲。先挑選三名角色之一,解救被綁架的市長女兒Jessica。場景包括多個街道、建築和地下通道,每個關卡都有不同的敵人和頭目。有移植到SNES、Genesis、Sega CD、GBA、PS2、PS4和PC等平台。

6. 《真人快打》(Mortal Kombat):由Midway於1992年推出,以其暴力和血腥的畫面而聞名。玩家參加一場致命格鬥比賽,挑戰強大的頭目Shang Tsung。舞台有多個格鬥場地,每個角色都有獨特的背景故事和結局。後來移植到SNES、Genesis、Game Boy、PS1、PS2、PS3、PS4和PC等平台。該遊戲還有被翻拍成電影。

7. 《越南大戰》(Metal Slug):由SNK於1996年推出,橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,以其高難度和精緻的畫面著稱。一位菁英戰士,對抗邪惡組織摩登(Morden)將軍的軍隊。多個場景如城市、森林和工廠,每個關卡都有獨特的敵人和頭目。後來移植到Neo Geo、PlayStation、Saturn、PS2、PS3、PS4和PC等平台。

8. 《恐龍新世紀》(Cadillacs and Dinosaurs):由Capcom於1993年推出,根據美國動漫《Xenozoic Tales》改編的動作遊戲。有4位人物可挑選,要對抗邪惡的暴徒,拯救恐龍。舞台有多個環境如叢林、沙漠和城市,每個關卡都有獨特的敵人和頭目。該遊戲未正式移植到其他家用主機,但有模擬器版本。

9. 《雷電》(Raiden):由Seibu Kaihatsu於1990年推出的縱向捲軸射擊遊戲。人類的戰機,將對抗外星入侵者。有多個空中和地面場景,每個關卡都有強大的頭目。後來移植到PS、PS2、PS3、PS4和PC等平台。



1."Street Fighter II": Released by Capcom in 1991, this game is a milestone in the fighting genre, known for its balanced character design and precise controls. Players choose one of eight fighters to compete in the World Warrior tournament, ultimately facing the mastermind, M. Bison. Each fighter has their own backstory and ultimate goal, needing to defeat other characters before challenging M. Bison. It was later ported to various platforms, including the SNES, Genesis, PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, PC, and Game Boy.

2."Tekken 3": Released by Namco in 1996, it set a new standard for 3D fighting games. Players select a fighter to compete in the King of Iron Fist Tournament to uncover the secrets of the Zaibatsu family. Each character has their own story and ending, challenging other characters and the final boss, Ogre. It was later ported to the PlayStation, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PC.

3."Contra III: The Alien Wars": Released by Konami in 1992, this side-scrolling shooter received critical acclaim. Two elite soldiers battle alien invaders to save Earth. Levels include cities, forests, and alien bases, each with powerful bosses. It was later ported to the SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, PlayStation, PS2, PS4, and PC.

4."Virtua Fighter": Released by Sega in 1993, it is the first 3D fighting game. Players compete in the World Fighting Tournament, developing the storyline. Levels feature various arenas and characters, each with unique fighting styles and moves. It was later ported to the Saturn, 32X, PS2, PC, and Xbox.

5."Final Fight": Released by Capcom in 1989, this classic beat 'em up game involves selecting one of three characters to rescue the mayor's kidnapped daughter, Jessica. Levels include various streets, buildings, and underground passages, each with different enemies and bosses. It was ported to the SNES, Genesis, Sega CD, GBA, PS2, PS4, and PC.

6."Mortal Kombat": Released by Midway in 1992, it became famous for its violent and bloody visuals. Players participate in a deadly tournament, challenging the powerful boss, Shang Tsung. Stages feature multiple arenas, with each character having unique backstories and endings. It was later ported to the SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PC. The game was also adapted into a movie.

7."Metal Slug": Released by SNK in 1996, this side-scrolling shooter is known for its high difficulty and detailed graphics. An elite soldier battles General Morden's evil army. Levels include cities, forests, and factories, each with unique enemies and bosses. It was ported to the Neo Geo, PlayStation, Saturn, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PC.

8."Cadillacs and Dinosaurs": Released by Capcom in 1993, this beat 'em up game is based on the American comic "Xenozoic Tales." Players choose one of four characters to fight evil gangs and save dinosaurs. Levels include environments such as jungles, deserts, and cities, each with unique enemies and bosses. The game was not officially ported to home consoles but is available through emulators.

9."Raiden": Released by Seibu Kaihatsu in 1990, this vertical scrolling shooter features a human fighter jet battling alien invaders. Levels include aerial and ground scenes, each with powerful bosses. It was ported to the PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PC.

These 1990s arcade games not only became global sensations at the time of their release but continue to be beloved and remembered by players, cementing their status as classics in gaming history.

