

奈良的鹿被視為神的使者,這一信仰源自於古老的神道傳統和春日大社的傳說。春日大社是日本重要的神社之一,建於公元768年。根據傳說,春日大社的主神之一武甕槌大神(Takemikazuchi no Mikoto)從茨城縣的鹿島神宮來到奈良時,是騎著一頭白鹿的。因此,鹿被認為是神靈的使者和神聖的動物。這個故事在當地流傳已久,使得鹿在奈良受到高度的尊重和保護。





The deer in Nara are regarded as messengers of the gods, a belief rooted in ancient Shinto traditions and the legends of Kasuga Taisha. Kasuga Taisha, one of Japan's important shrines, was built in 768 AD. According to legend, one of the main deities of Kasuga Taisha, Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, came to Nara from Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture riding a white deer. Therefore, deer are considered divine messengers and sacred animals. This story has been passed down locally for generations, leading to the high respect and protection of deer in Nara.

In Shinto beliefs, animals are often seen as messengers or representatives of the gods. This belief is not limited to deer; animals like foxes and snakes are also considered divine messengers. In Nara, the sacred status of deer is particularly prominent, and the local people hold deep reverence and respect for them. This belief is deeply integrated into the local culture and daily life, making deer a significant symbol of Nara.

The deer of Nara have become an important symbol of local culture and tourism. These deer live freely in Nara Park, coexisting harmoniously with tourists and local residents. Many visitors come to Nara specifically to see these freely roaming deer and interact with them. The interactions between the deer and tourists are friendly, and visitors can buy special deer crackers to feed them. Some deer even mimic human behavior by nodding in thanks after being fed.

However, a recent incident has caused outrage. A Japanese netizen shared a video on social media showing a Chinese tourist in a white shirt violently kicking a deer in Nara Park. After the deer ran away in fright, the man chased it and kicked it again, and even slapped other nearby deer. This footage sparked widespread anger among Japanese netizens, with many expressing their fury: "Nara police should investigate this as animal abuse," "This is really awful," "Completely unacceptable," "Only cowards bully defenseless animals," "This kind of foreign criminal should not be allowed in Japan," "Deport him immediately," "Japan's benevolent approach does not work with people like this."

Deer are a sacred symbol in Nara, and abuse towards them is seen as a severe offense to local culture and beliefs. Therefore, local residents are calling for the deportation of the Chinese tourist to express their strong disapproval of his actions and to uphold their traditional values.

