

李小龍(Bruce Lee),原名李振藩,1940年11月27日出生於美國加州的舊金山,父母是廣東省順德人。著名的中國武術家、武術指導、演員、電影製作人及哲學家,也是截拳道的創立者。以其卓越的武術技藝、鮮明的銀幕形象和深遠的文化影響力,被譽為功夫之王或MMA格鬥之父,成為全球流行文化中的重要象徵。

在1966年至1967年期間主演《青蜂俠》(The Green Hornet),飾演加藤(Kato),是他在美國的主要電視劇作品之一。而主演4.5部經典的電影功夫片,至今仍被奉為經典。

第一部主演電影是1971年的《唐山大兄》(The Big Boss),上映取得巨大的成功,使李小龍一夜成名。隨後,在1972年主演《精武門》(Fist of Fury),鞏固他在影壇的地位。接著,自編自導自演《猛龍過江》(The Way of the Dragon,1972),展示他卓越的武術技巧。1973年,《龍爭虎鬥》(Enter the Dragon),是首部也是唯一由好萊塢製作的電影,取得全球性的成功。最後,雖然李小龍在1978年上映的《死亡遊戲》(Game of Death)未能完成,但後來經過重新剪輯和補拍後上映,仍然受到廣泛關注,成為不朽的作品。


他對後世的影響深遠而廣泛,涵蓋武術、電影、文化和跨文化交流等多個領域。創立的截拳道(Jeet Kune Do)成為一種重要的武術流派,影響無數武術愛好者和專業武術家。強調的實用主義和對各種武術技法的融合創新,改變傳統武術的格局。在電影方面,李小龍將中國功夫帶入國際電影市場,打破西方對亞洲人刻板印象,並影響後來許多動作電影的拍攝手法。在電影中的真實武打場面和高超技巧,樹立動作電影的新標準。



Bruce Lee, originally named Lee Jun-fan, was born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco, California, to parents from Shunde, Guangdong Province. He was a renowned Chinese martial artist, martial arts instructor, actor, film producer, and philosopher, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do. With his exceptional martial arts skills, distinctive screen presence, and profound cultural impact, he is celebrated as the King of Kung Fu and the father of MMA, becoming a significant symbol in global popular culture.

From 1966 to 1967, he starred in "The Green Hornet," playing Kato, marking one of his main television works in America. He starred in 4.5 classic kung fu movies that remain revered as classics to this day.

His first leading role was in the 1971 film "The Big Boss," which achieved tremendous success upon its release and made Bruce Lee an overnight sensation. Following this, he solidified his position in the film industry with the 1972 film "Fist of Fury." He then wrote, directed, and starred in "The Way of the Dragon" (1972), showcasing his extraordinary martial arts skills. In 1973, "Enter the Dragon" became the first and only Hollywood-produced film he starred in, achieving global success. Although Bruce Lee was unable to complete "Game of Death" before his death in 1978, the film was later edited and released, still garnering widespread attention and becoming an enduring work.


His films achieved immense box office success globally. Each work garnered high praise and box office revenue, especially "Enter the Dragon," which grossed $90 million worldwide when released in 1973, making it the highest-grossing kung fu movie at the time. With repeated re-releases, the total box office gross of the film exceeded $400 million, equivalent to $2 billion today when adjusted for inflation, yielding over 400 times the return on investment. To this day, Bruce Lee's films maintain the highest box office for Chinese-language films worldwide, a record even Jackie Chan and Jet Li have struggled to surpass.

Bruce Lee's influence on later generations is profound and extensive, spanning martial arts, film, culture, and cross-cultural exchanges. Jeet Kune Do, the martial art he founded, became a significant martial arts genre, influencing countless martial arts enthusiasts and professionals. His emphasis on practicality and the integration of various martial arts techniques revolutionized traditional martial arts. In film, Bruce Lee brought Chinese kung fu to the international movie market, breaking Western stereotypes about Asians and influencing the filming techniques of many subsequent action movies. His realistic fight scenes and superior skills set new standards for action films.

Even today, Bruce Lee frequently ranks among global cultural icon polls alongside famous figures like Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan. His films inspire countless people worldwide, and his philosophical thoughts and spirit of self-transcendence influence many fields, including sports, art, and music. He built a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, promoting cultural exchange. His influence transcends borders and races, making him a global cultural symbol.

Although Bruce Lee passed away at a young age, his legacy continues to influence modern society. His spirit and philosophy inspire new generations of martial artists, actors, and fans. He was not only a pioneer of kung fu movies but also a pioneer of cultural exchange between the East and the West, whose impact will endure forever.
