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The protagonist of the story is Xiao Jie, who grew up in an affluent family and is the youngest in the family. Due to his handsome appearance, Xiao Jie received favoritism from his parents and was rarely subjected to punishment. However, when Xiao Jie's second brother's academic performance began to excel, their parents shifted their attention towards him. The second brother had a history of violent tendencies and frequently subjected Xiao Jie to physical abuse. On one occasion, he even caused their elder sister to bleed profusely over a trivial dispute about a cushion. This incident left her with delayed reactions and vulnerable to bullying.

The second brother suffered from paranoid delusions, always feeling neglected and unloved by the family. He frequently projected his negative emotions onto Xiao Jie, subjecting him to prolonged emotional abuse for expressing differing opinions. Moreover, the second brother spread false rumors outside, creating an illusion that he was mistreated by their mother and Xiao Jie, as Xiao Jie was the most loved by their mother.

A severe conflict occurred during high school when the second brother violently attacked Xiao Jie with a stick, breaking it in the process. Xiao Jie fell to the ground, unconscious, and heard the second brother cynically suggesting he was faking it and expressing a desire for him to die quickly. This displayed a callous and cruel attitude towards his younger brother.

Despite these actions, their parents continued to favor the second brother, boasting about his achievements to others, creating a perfect image for him. Meanwhile, Xiao Jie's grades were average, and due to the domineering mother, he became submissive, enduring bullying from classmates who were emboldened by teachers' indifference to poorly performing students in Taiwan's achievement-focused society.

Their mother was a domineering figure who used strict methods to educate both Xiao Jie and their elder sister, making them weak and hesitant to stand up against external bullying. Each time an issue arose, their mother would discipline her children without investigating the cause, forcing them to apologize even if they were not at fault.

As Xiao Jie started working and easing the family's financial burden, he expressed gratitude by dedicating one-third of his monthly salary to support his parents and sharing profits from stock investments. Yet, despite these contributions, their parents insisted that the future house would be given to Xiao Jie, who had shared the family's living expenses and taken care of their daily needs, covering expenses like property tax, electricity bills, and car insurance.

Their mother, however, remained strong-willed and insisted that the house would be given to the second brother, even contributing 6.5 million to help him pay the down payment. The property's value appreciated significantly, with the second brother now earning substantial monthly rent from it. Surprisingly, their parents didn't contribute any money when Xiao Jie purchased a new car but continually complained about its quality, contrasting with their generous treatment of the second brother's wife's family.

During a family gathering, the second brother's daughter frequently insulted Xiao Jie, expressing disdain for his inquiries about her schoolwork. The incident caused a heated argument, with their mother siding against Xiao Jie and silencing him, questioning why he was asking so many questions.

Despite Xiao Jie's financial contributions and efforts to maintain filial piety, their parents favored the second brother, spending over 750,000 on his extravagant wedding and purchasing 60,000 worth of gold jewelry for his wife. Their father informed Xiao Jie that if he ever got married, he would have to manage everything himself, and the family wouldn't contribute a penny. Although perplexed, Xiao Jie continued to express filial piety by taking his father out for lunch daily.

At one point, Xiao Jie earned a considerable amount of money, contributing 35,000 as monthly filial piety and covering various expenses, but this commitment prevented him from buying his own house. Initially, their parents vehemently opposed Xiao Jie moving out, claiming that the house would be his in the future. As property prices soared in Taiwan, Xiao Jie realized he wouldn't be able to afford a house anytime soon.

Despite contributing most of his earnings to the family, Xiao Jie was denied financial assistance when he asked for support in buying a house, a stark contrast to the second brother, who had been accommodated in every aspect. Even with significant financial contributions, Xiao Jie's request to draft a will was met with cold rejection, labeled as disrespectful and focusing only on assets.

Frustrated and hurt by the unequal treatment, Xiao Jie eventually chose to leave Taiwan, feeling that without a car or property, he would be perceived as a failure in the country's standards. He sought a place where he could have a home of his own. After going abroad, their parents urged Xiao Jie to return to Taiwan and take care of them, expressing discontent with his decision to leave.