


最近,台灣大叔Leon透過Sugar Daddy的包養網站找到一位年僅23歲的女生Natalia約會。當初碰面時,他馬上被她的美麗和高挑身材驚艷不已,因此不再想按照當初協議的$250美金進行交易,而打算慢慢追求她。但是第一次見面後,兩人只喝了杯咖啡,然後各自分道揚鑣。






Taiwanese Uncle's Adventure in Ukraine, Facing Off with a 23-Year-Old Girl

Recently, Taiwanese uncle Leon found a 23-year-old girl named Natalia through a Sugar Daddy sponsorship website for a date. Upon their first meeting, he was immediately stunned by her beauty and tall figure. Consequently, he decided not to proceed with the initially agreed-upon $250 USD transaction and instead opted to pursue her slowly. However, after their first coffee date, they went their separate ways.

Soon after, Leon noticed that Natalia requested him to transfer $200 to $500 hryvnias daily, but he consistently refused. Leon insisted that his bank card had issues and could only provide cash through face-to-face transactions. After several back-and-forths, Natalia's attitude finally softened, and she agreed to meet again, suggesting a dog walk. Leon readily accepted the invitation and even helped buy 300 hryvnias worth of cat and dog food. During this encounter, he observed her clothes covered in cat and dog hair and discovered she had four cats and a dog, living in rather poor conditions.

Despite being unemployed, Natalia's daily pet food expenses exceeded 300 hryvnias, and she hoped Leon would financially assist her daily. However, each time he rejected her requests. Leon proposed cohabitation, offering to cover all living expenses and provide pocket money, but Natalia adamantly refused.

Later, the dog became poisoned, and Natalia, feeling distressed, urgently sought Leon's help, taking the dog to the veterinary hospital. Leon decided to pay 1800 hryvnias to help the dog overcome the crisis. However, the next day, the dog still needed hospitalization, incurring additional costs of up to 2500 hryvnias. This time, Leon decided not to help anymore, as he felt Natalia only wanted him to transfer money without genuine interaction, deeming it an endless pit.

In the following days, Leon became increasingly unhappy, especially after receiving Natalia's message stating that the dog needed an MRI scan due to the unclear nature of the illness, requiring a more detailed examination. He stood firm on his principles, believing he wouldn't pay any cash without meeting in person.

Leon started thinking that when looking for a partner, he should choose someone with basic survival skills to avoid the hassle of paying a heap of fees daily. He couldn't understand why Natalia had to care for a bunch of cats and dogs while having little to eat herself each day. Eventually, he went to Poltava to meet an 22-year-old dance student recommended by a friend, who was 178 cm tall, deciding to gradually end contact with Natalia.