必看! 緬甸跟柬埔寨的新型詐騙手法





Since the arrest of the four major families in northern Myanmar, fraudulent activities temporarily subsided but have since resurged with even more sophisticated tactics, making it easy for even the smartest individuals to fall victim.

These criminal groups begin by registering legitimate companies and advertising job openings through standard channels. They offer salaries that surpass industry norms and promise free accommodations and professional training to attract job seekers. The day-to-day operations of these companies are indistinguishable from those of regular businesses, effectively concealing their true intentions.

After about six months of employment, these companies organize group trips as a benefit for employees. To avoid raising any suspicions, the destinations are often popular tourist locations such as Thailand or Singapore. The company covers all expenses, including round-trip airfare and accommodations, creating an image of legitimacy and care. However, during the return journey, employees are taken to Cambodia or Myanmar under the pretext of a "layover."

Once in these locations, victims find themselves unable to escape. Entire groups are sold to "buyers," where they are forced to engage in fraudulent schemes or sex work. In more horrific cases, they are funneled into the illegal organ trade.

The resurgence of these fraudulent operations demonstrates how criminal organizations have become increasingly covert and cunning. Governments and international organizations must urgently collaborate to bolster border security and raise public awareness to prevent more individuals from falling into these traps. Additionally, it is crucial to widely share the real-life accounts of victims, allowing the public to understand the brutal nature of these crimes and to recognize the risks of seemingly legitimate job opportunities.

The revival of such fraudulent activities reminds us that as long as there are societal vulnerabilities, criminal groups will exploit them. Sustained vigilance, stricter regulations, and global cooperation are essential to dismantling these exploitative networks and protecting innocent people from harm.