
2024-03-02 · 點閱數 129

任天堂紅白機(FC)遊戲《忍者龍劍傳》(忍者龍剣伝/ニンジャガイデン/Ninja Gaiden)的主要密技:




Main cheat codes for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game "Ninja Gaiden" (忍者龍剣伝/ニンジャガイデン):

1.When using the whirlwind slash item in the game, during boss battles, simply jump and press the attack button to inflict a large amount of damage on the boss. This technique's killing power is too strong and was directly removed in subsequent versions.

2.In the third tower of level 5-3, there is an UP item that adds one life. After obtaining it, climb back down to the second floor using the ladder, and then return to the third floor. The UP item will still be visible. Repeating this process will grant you unlimited lives.

3.When the title screen appears, simultaneously press the left key, down key, A, B, and Select. Press the start button, and you will enter the music test screen, where you can listen to various tracks from the game.