《聖鬥士星矢:真紅的少年傳說》(聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年伝説/Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth)是1988年7月23日上映的《聖鬥士星矢》劇場版系列的第3部,故事環繞在聖鬥士們與北歐神話中的太陽神阿貝爾(フォェボス アベル)及其手下日冕聖鬥士(Corona Saint)的戰鬥。
故事開始,太陽神阿貝爾邀請妹妹城戶沙織(雅典娜的化身)返回聖域禁地日冕神殿(Dignity Hill),企圖引發洪水消滅所有人類,重新建立屬於神的黃金時代。沙織試圖說服阿貝爾改變主意,但他堅持自己的計劃,正式向聖鬥士們宣戰,還復活已經死去的5位黃金聖鬥士,分別是巨蠍座、雙子座、水瓶座、摩羯座、雙魚座。沙織決定行刺阿貝爾,卻被反殺,靈魂也墜入黃泉。為此引發效忠雅典娜的卡妙與修羅的不滿,他們準備偷襲阿貝爾,卻被3位日冕聖鬥士合擊殲滅。
Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth (聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年伝説/Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth) is the third film in the Saint Seiya movie series, released on July 23, 1988. The story revolves around the Saint Seiya warriors and their battle against the Norse sun god Abel (フォェボス アベル) and his subordinates, the Corona Saints.
The story begins with the sun god Abel inviting his sister, Saori Kido (the reincarnation of Athena), to return to the Sanctuary's forbidden area, the Corona Temple (Dignity Hill), with the intention of triggering a flood to destroy all of humanity and reestablish a golden age of the gods. Saori tries to persuade Abel to change his mind, but he insists on his plan. He officially declares war on the Saints and even resurrects five deceased Gold Saints: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. Saori decides to assassinate Abel but is killed instead, her soul falling into the underworld. This act causes dissatisfaction among Athena's loyalists, Camus and Shura, who plan to attack Abel but are defeated by three Corona Saints.
When Shiryu faces Scorpio's Deathmask again and is sent to the underworld, he sees Saori and ultimately unleashes his Cosmo, using the Lushan Rising Dragon to defeat Deathmask. Shun encounters Aphrodite and is wounded by his white roses, but Ikki arrives and quickly defeats Aphrodite. Next, Saga defeats Seiya and informs him that Saori is near the end of the Underworld Road (Yomotsu Hirasaka). Falling into it would prevent her soul from being revived. Meanwhile, Hyoga discovers that Camus is dead and, in his anger, uses the Aurora Execution to defeat Coma Berenice. Seiya, empowered by Saga's guidance, defeats him. Severely wounded, Saga performs the Galaxian Explosion, taking Lynx Jaow down with him.
When Seiya and his companions finally reach the Corona Temple and are defeated, Seiya, Shiryu, and Hyoga don the Gold Cloths of Sagittarius, Libra, and Aquarius, respectively, quickly defeating Carina Atlas. However, they are attacked by Abel. Seiya, using the power of his Cosmo, successfully rescues Saori from the underworld and then unleashes a Cosmo beyond the gods, using his arrow to defeat Abel.
Saint Seiya: Legend of Crimson Youth is beloved for its intense and exciting battle scenes and its deep themes of love, peace, and the future of humanity. This movie holds an important place in the Saint Seiya series and is highly regarded by fans.
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