機動警察 (1)

英文名稱:Patlabor (1)
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1988-07-15

《機動警察》(パトレイバー/Patlabor)是由HEADGEAR製作的日本科幻機械人動畫,初次亮相於1988年。HEADGEAR是一個由五位著名創作者組成的小組,包括押井守(導演)、結城正美(漫畫家)、伊藤和典(編劇)、出渕裕(機械設計師)和高田明美(角色設計師)。該系列包括OVA(Original Video Animation)、電視動畫、劇場版和漫畫等多種媒體形式,涵蓋多個版本和故事線。


篠原遊馬(Asuma Shinohara):特車二課第二小隊的指揮官,篠原重工創始人的兒子,因為哥哥自殺導致與父親的關係降到冰點。雖然有時看起來漫不經心,但在危機時刻能夠冷靜應對。

泉野明(Noa Izumi):特車二課第二小隊的女警察,擁有高度的正義感和出色的駕駛技術。她的座機是AV-98 Ingram 1號機,並給其起名為「阿爾馮斯(Alphonse)」。泉野明對機械有著極高的興趣和親和力。

後藤喜一(Kiichi Goto):特車二課第二小隊的隊長,冷靜沉著,於早稻田大學畢業,擁有卓越的戰略思維和指揮能力。雖然看似隨和,但在面對重大事件時能迅速做出明智決策。

篠原重工(Shinohara Heavy Industries):篠原遊馬的父親經營的企業,是生產「Labor」的主要公司之一。篠原重工在故事中扮演重要角色,涉及多次技術和安全問題。


故事的主線圍繞特車二課第二小隊的日常工作和特別任務展開,既包括對普通案件的處理,也涉及一些重大危機和陰謀。例如,劇場版《機動警察劇場版》(Patlabor: The Movie)中,小隊成員需要調查並阻止一個與新型操作系統有關的巨大陰謀,該操作系統有可能導致大規模的「Labor」暴走事件。在《機動警察劇場版2》(Patlabor 2: The Movie)中,2002年發生橫濱的灣岸大橋被不明的飛機所射擊,背後涉及一場政治對立,而自衛隊卻企圖掩蓋真相。此事件威脅到東京的和平與穩定,必須揭露並阻止這場陰謀。此外,動畫系列還探索成員之間的友情、成長和個人問題,增添故事的深度和人情味。泉野明與篠原遊馬之間的互動,後藤喜一與其他隊員的信任與協作,都是故事的重要部分。


Mobile Police Patlabor (パトレイバー, Patlabor) is a Japanese science fiction mecha anime created by the production team HEADGEAR, making its debut in 1988. HEADGEAR is a group of five renowned creators, including director Mamoru Oshii, manga artist Masami Yuki, writer Kazunori Ito, mecha designer Yutaka Izubuchi, and character designer Akemi Takada. The Patlabor series spans various forms of media, such as OVAs (Original Video Animations), TV series, feature films, and manga, offering multiple versions and storylines.

The main characters include:

Asuma Shinohara: Commander of the Special Vehicles Section 2, Division 2. He is the son of the founder of Shinohara Heavy Industries. Due to his brother's suicide, his relationship with his father has deteriorated. Although he may seem indifferent at times, Asuma demonstrates calmness and leadership during critical situations.


Noa Izumi: A police officer in Special Vehicles Section 2, Division 2. She has a strong sense of justice and exceptional piloting skills. Noa pilots the AV-98 Ingram Unit 1, which she affectionately names "Alphonse." She has a deep interest and affinity for machinery, particularly her mecha.

Kiichi Goto: The captain of Special Vehicles Section 2, Division 2. A calm and composed leader, Goto graduated from Waseda University and possesses excellent strategic thinking and command skills. Despite his laid-back demeanor, he is quick to make wise decisions when faced with significant events.

Shinohara Heavy Industries: This is the company owned by Asuma’s father and one of the primary manufacturers of "Labors" (mechanized robots). The company plays a significant role in the series, often involved in technical and safety issues related to Labors.

The story is set in a fictional timeline from 1988 to 2002, where robots known as "Labors" are widely used in industries such as construction, transportation, and law enforcement. However, as Labors become more prevalent, crimes involving these machines also increase. In response to these new types of crime, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department forms the Special Vehicles Section 2, Division 2, a unit dedicated to handling Labor-related criminal activities.

The plot mainly revolves around the daily duties and special missions of Division 2, including both routine cases and major crises or conspiracies. For instance, in Patlabor: The Movie, the team investigates and works to prevent a massive conspiracy involving a new operating system that threatens to cause widespread Labor malfunctions. In Patlabor 2: The Movie, set in 2002, the Yokohama Bay Bridge is attacked by an unidentified aircraft, sparking a political conflict. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces attempt to cover up the incident, which threatens the peace and stability of Tokyo, and the team must uncover and stop the conspiracy.

In addition to the overarching plotlines, the series explores the relationships, personal growth, and struggles of the characters, adding depth and emotional complexity to the story. The interactions between Noa Izumi and Asuma Shinohara, as well as the trust and cooperation between Kiichi Goto and his team, play important roles in the narrative.

Mobile Police Patlabor combines elements of mecha combat, detective work, and human drama, showcasing advanced mechanical designs and intense battle sequences. At the same time, it delves into the social and personal impact of technological advancements, reflecting on the ethical dilemmas of future technologies, a theme that resonated with Japanese society at the turn of the century. The series received widespread acclaim both in Japan and internationally, becoming a classic in the mecha anime genre.

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