
《吞食天地》(天地を喰らう/Destiny of an Emperor)由日本漫畫家本宮宏志的作品《天地通吃》,所改編的三國志RPG,遊戲中並無動漫中的天魔界設定。舞台設定在一千多年前的中國,自古以來的王朝,分久必合,合久必分。在周朝末期的七國分爭下,秦始皇終於統一天下,之後滅亡,楚漢開始相爭 。項羽兵敗自殺後,經歷了四百年的統治後,漢朝傳至獻帝後,國力終於搖搖欲墜,逐漸分裂成魏、蜀、吳三國。
畫面一開始會出現經典桃園三結義的情節 ,"念劉備、關羽、張飛。我們發誓,我們三人雖不同姓,願結為異姓兄弟,則同心協力,救困扶危;上報國家,下安黎庶;不求同年同月生,但願同年同月同日死。皇天後土,實鑒此心。背義忘恩,天人共戮"。遊戲總共有八大章節組成,第一章是黃巾之亂,在劉備的帶領下,成功將盜匪殲滅。但在兵荒馬亂的漢末年間,許多地方霸主如董卓、曹操、袁紹、孫權等,紛紛快速掘起,於是一場逐鹿中原,統一中國的戰爭正式拉開序幕。
"Destiny of an Emperor" is an RPG adaptation of Japanese manga artist Hiroshi Motomiya's work "Tenchi o Kurau," set in the Three Kingdoms period. The game does not include the "Demon World" setting from the manga. The story is set over a thousand years ago in China, where the cycle of dynastic rise and fall is a recurring theme. Following the Warring States period at the end of the Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified the country, but after his death, the Qin Dynasty fell, leading to the Chu-Han contention. After Xiang Yu's defeat and suicide, the Han Dynasty ruled for four hundred years until its decline under Emperor Xian, resulting in the division into the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu.
The game begins with the classic scene of the Oath of the Peach Garden, featuring Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. They vow, "We three, though of different surnames, swear to be brothers, with one heart and mind, to help each other in difficulty; to report to the state above and to bring peace to the people below; we do not seek to be born on the same day, but we hope to die on the same day. The Heaven and the Earth bear witness to this. If we break this vow, may Heaven and people both punish us." The game consists of eight chapters, with the first chapter dealing with the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Under Liu Bei's leadership, the bandits are successfully defeated. However, during the chaotic late Han Dynasty, many warlords such as Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Sun Quan rise rapidly, setting the stage for a war to unify China.
The game’s drawbacks include the difficulty of saving and finding hidden treasures without a guide. Its strengths lie in smooth interface operation, quick battle completion against weaker opponents with the All-out command, and the ability to carry numerous items, reducing game difficulty.
When CAPCOM released this Three Kingdoms RPG, it was a creative development amid the popular RPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The game features many well-known historical figures. Despite deviating from historical accuracy, it might present the ideal ending for the Three Kingdoms saga as envisioned by many.
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