PS 太空戰士7 解體真書

日文名稱:PS FINAL FANTASY VII 解体真書 ザ・コンプリート
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1997-03-24

《太空戰士7》(ファイナルファンタジーVII / Final Fantasy VII)是由日本遊戲公司Square(現為Square Enix)開發,於1997年發行的角色扮演遊戲(RPG)。是《太空戰士》系列的第七部作品,也是該系列首度以3D圖形呈現。最初於Sony PlayStation平台上發行,總銷售量超過1千萬套,移植的平台有Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Nintendo Switch及手遊等。因為其超高人氣之後推出重製版。

主線人物包括克勞德·史特萊夫(Cloud Strife)、蒂法·洛克哈特(Tifa Lockhart)、艾瑞絲·蓋恩斯巴勒(Aerith Gainsborough)、巴雷特·華勒斯(Barret Wallace)、紅十三以及賽菲羅斯(Sefirosu)。克勞德·史特萊夫是遊戲的主角,有著複雜的過去和失憶症。蒂法·洛克哈特是克勞德的青梅竹馬,Avalanche成員之一,經營著一家酒吧。艾瑞絲·蓋恩斯巴勒擁有古老種族Cetra血統,具備強大的治癒能力。巴雷特·華勒斯是Avalanche的領袖,對神羅公司懷有深仇大恨。紅十三是被神羅公司抓住進行實驗的神秘生物。賽菲羅斯則是遊戲的主要反派,曾是神羅公司的精英士兵,後來因為發現自己的身世而陷入瘋狂,試圖摧毀世界。

故事發生在名為「蓋亞」的星球上,巨型企業神羅,以米德加爾(MIDGAR)和朱儂,兩大城市為據點,並在其它地區到處設置魔晃爐,透過吸取星球生命能量(Life Stream)來生產能源,提供人們所需的電能,卻導致環境的嚴重破壞。人們開始擔心持續開採下去,將導致星球滅亡,於是反抗的組織開始不斷出現。遊戲從主角克勞德被生態恐怖主義「雪崩」(Avalanche)雇為傭兵,打算破壞「神羅公司」在米德加城市周圍的魔晃爐開始。在冒險的過程中,克勞德和他的夥伴們逐漸揭開神羅公司的陰謀,並發現賽菲羅斯的真面目。賽菲羅斯試圖利用古代種族Cetra的力量來召喚一顆巨大的隕石,摧毀星球並以此獲得無上的力量。最終,克勞德和他的夥伴們試圖阻止賽菲羅斯並拯救世界。

關卡的自由度相當高,在離開米德加城市後,就可自由在各地移動。而五代開始出現的技能系統,所需要的水晶碎片改成魔石。遊戲採回合制進行,控制由三個角色組成的小隊,在戰鬥中與敵人對抗。戰鬥系統使用「時間條」(ATB,Active Time Battle)機制,當角色的時間條充滿後,可以選擇進行攻擊、使用魔法、召喚怪獸或道具。遊戲中還有豐富的探索和解謎元素,需要在城鎮、迷宮和野外地區進行探索,與NPC互動並解決各種任務和挑戰。而陸行鳥、飛空艇及初登場的巴吉汽車,可以節省不少移動時間。


遊戲沒有傳統意義上的作弊碼(Cheat Code)。然而,然而在不同平台的版本上有一些隱藏技巧和利用外部工具的方法來提升遊戲體驗。例如,GameShark或Action Replay這些第三方設備允許玩家在PlayStation平台上輸入代碼來修改遊戲中的各種參數,例如無限生命、無限金錢等。此外,PC版本的《太空戰士7》可以使用各種MOD來改變遊戲內容,包括提升圖形質量、增加新功能等。


"Final Fantasy VII" (ファイナルファンタジーVII) is a role-playing game (RPG) developed by the Japanese game company Square (now Square Enix) and released in 1997. It is the seventh installment in the Final Fantasy series and the first in the series to feature 3D graphics. Initially released for the Sony PlayStation, it has sold over 10 million copies and has been ported to various platforms including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. Due to its immense popularity, a remake was also released.

The main characters include Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Red XIII, and Sephiroth. Cloud Strife, the game's protagonist, has a complicated past and suffers from amnesia. Tifa Lockhart is Cloud's childhood friend, a member of Avalanche, and runs a bar. Aerith Gainsborough possesses the ancient Cetra bloodline, granting her powerful healing abilities. Barret Wallace is the leader of Avalanche, harboring deep hatred towards the Shinra Company. Red XIII is a mysterious creature captured and experimented on by Shinra. Sephiroth is the game's main antagonist, a former elite soldier of Shinra who becomes insane upon discovering his origins and seeks to destroy the world.


The story is set on a planet called "Gaia," dominated by a giant corporation named Shinra. Using cities like Midgar and Junon as its strongholds, Shinra builds Mako Reactors across various regions, extracting the planet's life energy (Lifestream) to produce energy, leading to severe environmental degradation. Concerned about the planet's potential destruction, various resistance groups emerge. The game begins with the protagonist Cloud being hired as a mercenary by the eco-terrorist group "Avalanche" to destroy Shinra's Mako Reactors around the city of Midgar. As the adventure progresses, Cloud and his companions uncover Shinra's conspiracies and the true identity of Sephiroth. Sephiroth plans to summon a massive meteor using the power of the ancient Cetra race, intending to destroy the planet and gain supreme power. Ultimately, Cloud and his friends strive to stop Sephiroth and save the world.

The game offers a high degree of freedom. After leaving the city of Midgar, players can freely move around different regions. The skill system, introduced in the fifth installment, now utilizes Materia instead of crystal shards. The game features a turn-based combat system where players control a party of three characters to fight enemies. The battle system uses the Active Time Battle (ATB) mechanism, allowing players to choose actions like attacks, magic, summons, or items when the character's ATB gauge is full. The game also includes rich exploration and puzzle-solving elements, requiring players to explore towns, dungeons, and wild areas, interact with NPCs, and solve various quests and challenges. Chocobos, airships, and the newly introduced Buggy vehicle help save travel time.

The game boasts a vast world map divided into multiple towns, dungeons, and wild areas. Key locations include Midgar, Kalm, Gold Saucer, and the Forgotten City. Midgar, the starting city, is Shinra's headquarters. Kalm is where Cloud recounts Sephiroth's past. Gold Saucer is a large amusement park with various mini-games and activities.

While the game lacks traditional cheat codes, different versions of the game have hidden techniques and external tools to enhance the gaming experience. Third-party devices like GameShark or Action Replay allow players to input codes on the PlayStation platform to modify various game parameters, such as infinite health and money. Additionally, the PC version of Final Fantasy VII supports various mods that can change game content, improve graphics quality, and add new features.

"Final Fantasy VII," as a classic in the Final Fantasy series, attracted a large number of players at the time with its advanced graphics and deep storyline, and has had a profound impact on RPG games in the future. Through its rich character development, complex plot, and innovative combat system, it has cemented its place in gaming history.

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