PS2 勇者鬥惡龍8 天空與海洋與大地與受詛咒的公主

日文名稱:PS2 ドラゴンクエストVIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君
英文名稱:Dragon Quest VIII:Journey of the Cursed King
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2004-11-27

《勇者鬥惡龍VIII 天空、碧海、大地與被詛咒的公主 》(Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King)是由Level-5開發,Enix(現為史克威爾艾尼克斯)發行的一款角色扮演遊戲。於2004年在PlayStation 2平台上發布,是《勇者鬥惡龍》系列的第八部作品。由堀井雄二製作,椙山浩一作曲,鳥山明負責角色設計。以其華麗的3D畫面和豐富的劇情而受到玩家和評論家的廣泛好評。

故事設定在奇幻的中世紀世界。主角是一位名為“勇者”的無名士兵,效忠於特洛登王國(Trodain)。而邪惡的宮廷小丑杜馬格斯(Dhoulmagus)盜取強大的魔法杖並詛咒特洛登國王和他的城堡,使國王Trode變成一隻巨大的綠色蟾蜍怪物,公主Medea變成一匹馬,城堡的其他居民則變成植物般的雕像。勇者與變成怪物的國王、變成馬的公主以及盜賊楊格斯(Yangus)一起展開冒險之旅,目的是追捕杜馬格斯並解開詛咒。之後會有年輕魔法師潔西卡.艾伯特(Jessica Albert)與安吉洛(Angelo)加入。隨著冒險的進行,會遇到各種各樣的夥伴和敵人,逐步揭開杜馬格斯背後更大的陰謀。

使用控制器的方向鍵來移動角色,與NPC對話、進入建築物和打開選項。在選項中,可以管理物品、裝備、技能和隊伍成員。戰鬥系統採用傳統的回合制,選擇攻擊、使用魔法、道具或技能來擊敗敵人。每個角色都有自己獨特的技能和屬性,需要策略性地安排隊伍的行動來應對不同的戰鬥情況。遊戲導入新的張力系統(Tension System),透過戰鬥中的聚氣指令來累積張力,當爆發出來的時候會造成敵人更大的損害,彌補原本設定數據較差角色的不足之處。


當完成結局,就可以展開另一個替代結局,並解鎖德拉戈維亞地區(the Dragovian Realm)。當打敗在天台上的德拉戈維亞之主,就會發現主角的真實身分原來是阿貢尼亞王子(Argonia)的兒子。在展示他死去父親的戒指時,克拉維斯國王(King Clavius)接受弟弟的離世,且同意主角與公主的婚事,之後兩人過著幸福的日子。


Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is a role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Enix (now Square Enix). Released in 2004 for the PlayStation 2 platform, it is the eighth installment in the Dragon Quest series. The game was produced by Yuji Horii, with music composed by Koichi Sugiyama, and character design by Akira Toriyama. It received widespread acclaim from players and critics alike for its stunning 3D graphics and rich storyline.

The story is set in a fantastical medieval world. The protagonist, a nameless soldier known as the "Hero," serves the Kingdom of Trodain. The evil court jester Dhoulmagus steals a powerful magic scepter and curses the King of Trodain and his castle, transforming King Trode into a giant green toad-like monster, Princess Medea into a horse, and the castle's other inhabitants into plant-like statues.

The Hero embarks on an adventure with the transformed King and Princess, along with a bandit named Yangus, to capture Dhoulmagus and lift the curse. Throughout their journey, they are joined by a young mage named Jessica Albert and a knight named Angelo. As the adventure progresses, they encounter various allies and enemies, gradually uncovering a larger conspiracy behind Dhoulmagus's actions.


Players use the controller's directional pad to move the character, interact with NPCs, enter buildings, and open the menu. In the menu, players can manage items, equipment, skills, and party members. The combat system employs traditional turn-based mechanics, allowing players to choose to attack, use magic, items, or skills to defeat enemies. Each character has unique skills and attributes, requiring strategic arrangement of the party's actions to handle different combat scenarios. The game introduces a new Tension System, where players can use the "Psyche Up" command during battles to accumulate tension. When released, it deals greater damage to enemies, helping to compensate for characters with lower base stats.

The game world comprises various regions, each with its unique terrain, enemies, and quests. Players must explore these areas, solve puzzles, and complete missions to advance the story. Key locations include towns, villages, dungeons, forests, and mountains, all featuring day and night cycles affecting the villagers' routines.

Dungeon design is intricate, often containing various traps and hidden items. Careful observation and cautious actions are required to navigate through them. Additionally, the game features numerous side quests and hidden content, allowing players to obtain powerful equipment and items or unlock new skills and companions. The weapon system allows players to combine two weapons or items to create stronger ones, and different items can be synthesized.

Upon completing the main storyline, players can unlock an alternative ending and access the Dragovian Realm. By defeating the Lord of the Dragovians on the rooftop, the Hero's true identity is revealed as the son of the Prince of Argonia. Showing his deceased father's ring to King Clavius, the King accepts his brother's passing and approves the Hero's marriage to Princess Medea, leading to a happily ever after.

Dragon Quest VIII is a classic role-playing game known for its rich storyline, deep character development, and beautiful 3D graphics, making it a standout in the Dragon Quest series. Both the narrative and gameplay showcase the high level of game development and innovation of its time. Even years later, it remains beloved by players and is worth revisiting by both new and old fans.

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