奇諾比奧隊長尋寶之旅 公仔

《奇諾比奧隊長:尋寶之旅》(Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker) 是任天堂於2014年首次推出的動作解謎遊戲,最初登陸Wii U平台,後來在Nintendo Switch和3DS上推出改進版本。以瑪利歐系列中的配角—奇諾比奧 (Captain Toad) 為主角,帶領玩家進入沒有跳躍功能的獨特冒險,挑戰重重關卡,探索隱藏的寶藏。
圍繞著奇諾比奧與奇諾比姬 (Toadette) 這對可愛的冒險夥伴展開。故事開始於尋寶之旅,奇諾比奧與奇諾比姬在旅途中發現一顆閃亮的寶星。然而,就在他們即將收穫這份珍寶時,名為「烏金巨鳥」(Wingo) 的巨大烏鴉突然襲來,將寶星搶走,甚至還抓走奇諾比姬。奇諾比奧決定獨自踏上旅程,不僅要拯救奇諾比姬,也要奪回屬於他們的寶藏。
舞台設計是從《超級瑪利歐 3D 世界》中所衍生出來,畫面從2D及3D不斷切換,除了不斷尋找寶物外,還可以挑戰『超級瑪利歐 奧德賽』的迷你關卡。每個關卡就像一座立體的迷你模型世界,結構精緻且細節豐富。透過旋轉鏡頭來觀察地形,尋找隱藏的通道和寶藏。每個關卡都有三顆寶石以及一顆寶星等待收集,此外,還有特定的隱藏挑戰,例如在不被敵人發現的情況下通關或收集一定數量的金幣。這些額外挑戰讓玩家在通關後有動力反覆遊玩,尋找遺漏的寶物與解法。
關卡的多樣性極高,從普通的迷宮解謎到需要在時間內逃離熔岩的關卡,甚至還有乘坐礦車射擊的動作場景,在解謎的同時感受到刺激與樂趣。特別的是,Switch版本還增加新的關卡,靈感來自《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》(Super Mario Odyssey)的世界,讓玩家能夠在熟悉的地圖中探索新的秘密。
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is an action puzzle game developed by Nintendo, first released in 2014 for the Wii U, with enhanced versions later launched for the Nintendo Switch and 3DS. The game stars Captain Toad, a supporting character from the Super Mario series, leading players on a unique adventure without the ability to jump, navigating through challenging levels and uncovering hidden treasures.
The story revolves around Captain Toad and his adorable adventure partner, Toadette. It begins as they embark on a treasure hunt, discovering a shining Power Star along the way. However, just as they are about to claim their prize, a large crow named Wingo swoops in, stealing the Power Star and kidnapping Toadette. Determined to save Toadette and reclaim their treasure, Captain Toad sets off on a solo journey.
As the story progresses, players explore different worlds, traversing forests, volcanoes, snowy landscapes, and more, ultimately leading to a showdown with Wingo. Interestingly, the game features a reverse plotline, where once Toadette rescues Captain Toad, players can control her to complete subsequent adventures, adding a layer of cooperation and narrative twist to the game.
The game's most distinctive feature is its "no jumping" design. Unlike traditional Mario games, Captain Toad wears a heavy miner’s helmet that prevents him from jumping over obstacles or stomping on enemies. Instead, players must rely on cleverness and observation, rotating the camera, moving environmental objects, and avoiding enemies to progress through levels. This unique mechanic enhances the game’s strategic and puzzle-solving elements.
The controls are simple and intuitive, with players using the analog stick to move Captain Toad and buttons to pluck vegetables from the ground, which can be thrown at enemies or used to activate mechanisms. Some levels require touchscreen interaction or gyro sensor movements to shift objects or adjust the perspective, clarifying the path forward. The Switch version introduces a two-player co-op mode, where one player controls Captain Toad while the other assists with touch controls and throwing vegetables, boosting the game’s overall interactivity.
The stage design originates from the levels featured in Super Mario 3D World, with seamless transitions between 2D and 3D gameplay. In addition to treasure hunting, players can challenge mini-levels inspired by Super Mario Odyssey. Each stage feels like a miniature diorama, intricately crafted with rich details. Players can rotate the camera to inspect the terrain, searching for hidden passages and treasures. Every level contains three gems and a Power Star to collect, along with special hidden challenges, such as completing the level undetected by enemies or gathering a certain number of coins. These additional objectives encourage replayability as players strive to uncover every secret and refine their strategies.
The level variety is extensive, ranging from simple maze-like puzzles to time-sensitive challenges like escaping rising lava. There are even action-packed segments involving minecart rides and shooting sections, blending puzzle-solving with thrilling moments. Notably, the Switch version includes new levels inspired by Super Mario Odyssey, allowing players to explore familiar maps with fresh secrets to discover.
Since its release, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker has received widespread acclaim. Critics have praised its innovative puzzle mechanics and meticulously designed levels, highlighting Nintendo’s attention to detail. The unique "no jumping" challenge differentiates it from other action-adventure games, providing a refreshing experience for players.
The portability of the Switch version and the addition of co-op gameplay enhance the game’s entertainment value, making it an ideal choice for families and friends to enjoy together. The 3DS version retains the essence of the original, delivering solid visual performance and gameplay even on a handheld platform.
While some players have noted that the levels are relatively short and the overall difficulty is low, potentially making it less appealing to hardcore gamers seeking high-level challenges, the charming art style and relaxing gameplay make it accessible to players of all ages. For those who enjoy puzzle-solving and collecting, the game offers high replayability.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker showcases Nintendo’s expertise in crafting small yet captivating games. Though it lacks intense combat or high-octane action sequences, it captivates players with its carefully designed levels and endearing characters, creating a unique and memorable adventure. Whether playing solo or with friends, the game delivers pure puzzle-solving joy, embodying the charm that defines Treasure Tracker.
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奇諾比奧隊長尋寶之旅 公仔
- 定 價: 2,530円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星