FC 超級瑪利歐3 完全攻略

《超級瑪利歐兄弟3》(Super Mario Bros. 3)是任天堂於1988年在日本推出的動作平台遊戲,為紅白機(FC/NES)平台的代表作之一,也是該系列的第三部正統續作。被譽為當時最具創意和影響力的遊戲之一,不僅大幅提升畫面的表現力,也在玩法和系統上進行全方位的進化,至今仍被許多人視為經典之作。
狸貓瑪利歐(Raccoon Mario):使用「狸貓葉子」(Super Leaf)變身,能夠在空中短暫飛行,還能利用尾巴攻擊敵人或拍打道具。
青蛙瑪利歐(Frog Mario):在水中移動更為靈活,適合水下關卡,但陸地上的行動較為緩慢。
石像瑪利歐(Tanooki Mario):在狸貓瑪利歐的基礎上,獲得短時間變成石像的能力,可以躲避敵人的攻擊。
鐵鎚兄弟瑪利歐(Hammer Mario):能投擲鐵鎚擊敗敵人,包括堅硬的對手如「刺龜」或「火焰花」無法攻擊的敵人。
舞台分成8個王國1:草原之國(草原の国,Grass Land)2:沙漠之國(砂漠の国,Desert Hill)太陽及磚塊會突然攻擊 3:海洋之國(海の国,Ocean Side)需游泳過關。4:巨大之國(巨大の国,Big Island)5:天空之國(空の国,The Sky)6:冰雪之國(氷の国,Iced Land)地上非常濕滑 7:水管之國(土管の国,Pipe Maze)8:黑暗之國(暗黒の国,Castle of Kuppa)9:跳關區:在使用傳送之笛就可以到達。關卡中除一般蘑菇可以變大以外,還增加許多新道具如超級葉子可讓瑪利歐飛上天空,每次過關還可以累積一個道具,若連續有三個同樣道具就可以增加台數。
瑪莉兄弟3的關卡眾多,如果只想在最短時間內全破,可以在初期拿到三支笛子 ,就可以直接跳到第八關。第一根笛子在1-3的空中白色方塊,先踢一下在那移動的紅龜 ,拿起後在那蹲下 ,來到下方後,這時候開始衝刺,甚麼動作都不要做,紅龜就會跟另一隻烏龜對撞,加速前進就能到隱藏笛子的地方。如果擔心敵人過多,可以先到白色方塊後方清理舞台,然後再回頭來到白色方塊的地方操作。第二根笛子在第一關出現的第一個城堡,在進去後的第一個畫面的最後方,會看到一隻骷髏龜,踢碎後用貍貓能力,開始衝刺飛起到上方,就能飛到隱藏的房間拿到笛子。最後一根笛子在地圖畫面上會出現的火鐵槌龜 身上,進去關卡擊敗後就能拿到槌子 ,然後到右上方的角落使用槌子就能打碎石頭,出現一條新的道路,地圖上又會出現火鐵槌龜 ,擊敗後就能拿到最後一根笛子。
有許多實用的密技可以幫助玩家快速通關或增加無限台數。其中一個著名的密技出現在第八關的飛船關卡。當進入飛船舞台後,可以潛入飛船下方,持續按住 A 鈕游泳前進。游過兩艘飛船後,就能抵達船尾,並且等待飛船完全沉沒。當船尾露出水面後,跳上去即可直接進入小boss戰。這個方法能大幅縮短過關時間,不過需要注意,如果沒有潛入船底,畫面持續向右移動會導致角色出界死亡。此外,在游泳前進的過程中,如果沒有持續按A鈕,會下沉並死亡,因此保持按鍵節奏非常重要。
Super Mario Bros. 3, released by Nintendo in 1988 in Japan, is an action platformer and one of the flagship titles for the Famicom/NES platform. As the third official installment in the Mario series, it is widely regarded as one of the most creative and influential games of its time. The game not only significantly improved graphical fidelity but also underwent comprehensive gameplay and system evolution, making it a classic that is still cherished by many today.
The story continues the adventures of Mario and Luigi, but this time the setting expands beyond the confines of the Mushroom Kingdom. The tale begins in a brand-new world known as the "Mushroom World," composed of seven distinct kingdoms, each ruled by a king. However, Bowser returns, dispatching his seven children, the Koopalings, to attack these kingdoms. They steal the kings' magical wands, transforming the rulers into animals or monsters.
To restore peace to the Mushroom World and rescue the afflicted kings, Mario and Luigi set out on a journey across the seven kingdoms to defeat the Koopalings and reclaim the wands. Eventually, they arrive at Bowser's fortress for a final showdown to rescue Princess Peach, marking the conclusion of their adventure.
Gameplay and controls saw significant innovation. While retaining the classic side-scrolling platformer format, numerous new elements were introduced, adding variety and challenge. One of the most notable additions was the World Map system. Each kingdom has its own map, allowing players to choose which levels to tackle or explore hidden Toad Houses, fortresses, and battles. This non-linear level design grants players the freedom to bypass certain levels or discover secret paths that shorten the journey.
The game also introduced new transformation items and abilities. In addition to classic power-ups like the Super Mushroom, Starman, and Fire Flower, several unique forms debuted:
Raccoon Mario: By using the Super Leaf, Mario gains the ability to fly briefly and attack enemies with his tail.
Frog Mario: Provides enhanced swimming abilities, ideal for underwater levels, though movement on land is slower.
Tanooki Mario: A step up from Raccoon Mario, allowing Mario to temporarily transform into a stone statue to avoid enemy attacks.
Hammer Mario: Grants the power to throw hammers, enabling Mario to defeat tough enemies, including foes that Fire Mario cannot damage.
These transformations added diversity and strategic depth, allowing players to choose the best form to tackle different challenges.
The game features eight worlds, each with over ten levels, filled with unique terrain, enemies, and obstacles. From grassy plains to icy lands, deserts to the sky, the variety in level design showcases immense creativity.
Each world culminates in a battle aboard an airship or inside Bowser’s fortress, where players face off against the Koopalings to reclaim the magical wands. The airship levels became iconic, with scrolling screens and cannonballs flying in all directions, adding a layer of tension and excitement.
Hidden levels, secret paths, and special items like the Music Box (which puts enemies to sleep) and Cloud (which allows players to skip levels) further enhanced the exploratory aspect of the game. This encouraged replayability as players discovered new surprises in subsequent playthroughs.
The Eight Kingdoms:
Grass Land – A peaceful, grassy plain.
Desert Hill – A desert filled with quicksand and angry suns.
Ocean Side – Requires extensive swimming to navigate underwater levels.
Big Island – Everything is gigantic, including enemies and blocks.
The Sky – Levels take place high in the clouds.
Iced Land – Slippery ice-covered terrain poses significant challenges.
Pipe Maze – A labyrinth of pipes requiring careful navigation.
Dark Land – Bowser’s territory, filled with tanks, airships, and fortresses.
A secret "Warp Zone" allows players to skip worlds by using warp whistles. Players can collect up to three whistles early in the game to jump directly to World 8.
The first whistle is hidden in World 1-3. Standing on a white platform, crouch down until Mario falls behind the background, then dash to the goal.
The second whistle is in World 1’s fortress. Fly to the ceiling using the raccoon tail and enter a hidden room.
The third whistle is obtained by defeating Hammer Bros. on the world map, then breaking a rock to find a hidden area.
Tactics and Secrets
Numerous tricks and secrets help players speedrun or earn infinite lives. For instance, in World 8’s airship, players can swim under the ship to skip sections. Similarly, by continuously stomping on regenerating enemies like Dry Bones or Goombas, players can rack up points and earn extra lives.
Certain levels feature mechanics for infinite lives, such as stomping on Koopa shells repeatedly or using Hammer Mario to defeat large groups of enemies.
Reception and Legacy
Upon release, Super Mario Bros. 3 received overwhelming acclaim, selling over 17 million copies worldwide, making it the third best-selling NES title. Its innovative gameplay and intricate level design set a new benchmark for action games and influenced countless future developers.
Players praised the game’s variety, replayability, and freedom, particularly the transformation system and world map, which added greater depth. The game’s difficulty gradually increases, culminating in World 8’s rigorous levels, testing players' skill and patience.
Despite the challenge, most players found the experience rewarding, embracing the difficulty as part of the fun.
Super Mario Bros. 3 stands as a pinnacle of the NES era and a milestone in video game history. Its groundbreaking design, rich level content, and diverse power-ups cemented its status as a timeless classic, shaping the trajectory of platforming games for decades to come.
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FC 超級瑪利歐3 完全攻略
- 定 價: 800円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星