迷宮組曲:米龍的大冒險 (無書盒)
《迷宮組曲》(Milon's Secret Castle)是由Hudson Soft開發的一款動作冒險遊戲,最早於1986年11月13日在日本的FC平台上發行,並於1988年在北美的NES平台上發行,後來還有移植到Game Boy、Wii Virtual Console、3DS Virutal Console。遊戲結合動作、解謎和探索元素,以其獨特的玩法和挑戰性的設計而受到玩家的喜愛。
故事從一位名為米龍(Milon)的少年展開,他居住在名為哈德森(Hudson)的土地上。當地的居民不用語言對話,而是通過音樂溝通,但米龍卻不懂這些音樂,為解決這個問題,決定踏上旅程。當來到「格蘭德城堡」(Castle Garland)後卻發現原本是艾爾斯拉公主(NES版本是伊麗莎皇后Queen Eliza)和居民們的居所,但現在被邪惡的大魔王瑪哈勒圖(Mahu)佔領,將公主囚禁在城堡內,並奪走所有樂器,從此悅人的音樂就此消失。而許多的樂器、寶物及金錢都被公主隱藏在城堡各處,來幫助米龍的冒險,在出發前取得長老贈與的泡泡武器,他誓言要打倒大魔王,讓美麗音符再次出現在居住的星球上。
Milon's Secret Castle (迷宮組曲) is an action-adventure game developed by Hudson Soft. It was first released in Japan on the Famicom platform on November 13, 1986, and later on the NES platform in North America in 1988. The game was also ported to several other platforms, including Game Boy, Wii Virtual Console, and 3DS Virtual Console. Combining elements of action, puzzle-solving, and exploration, the game is beloved by players for its unique gameplay and challenging design.
Story The story begins with a young boy named Milon who lives in the land of Hudson. The local residents communicate through music instead of language, but Milon does not understand this music. To solve this problem, Milon sets off on a journey. When he arrives at Castle Garland, he discovers that it was once home to Princess Eliza and the residents, but it is now occupied by the evil warlord Mahu, who has imprisoned the princess and stolen all the musical instruments. As a result, the pleasant music has disappeared. Many instruments, treasures, and money have been hidden by the princess throughout the castle to aid Milon in his adventure. Before setting off, Milon receives a bubble weapon from the village elder and vows to defeat the warlord and restore the beautiful music to his planet.
The main challenge of the game comes from exploration and puzzle-solving. The castle consists of four floors, each with different rooms and enemies. Players must find keys and doors in each room to progress. Sometimes, defeating specific enemies or completing specific tasks is necessary to obtain the key to the next floor. Many hidden rooms and items add depth and replayability to the game.
Legacy Milon's Secret Castle was well-received for its unique gameplay and challenging design, combining action, puzzles, and exploration to create a rich gaming experience. Despite its difficulty and the patience and skill required to solve certain puzzles, its unique design and content have made it a classic FC/NES game. Whether finding hidden items or solving complex mazes, the adventure is full of surprises and challenges. Even today, the game retains high replay value and is worth trying for both nostalgic players and new gamers alike.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
迷宮組曲:米龍的大冒險 (無書盒)
- 定 價: 5,145円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星