
《洛克人5:布魯斯的陷阱!》(MEGAMAN 5)是CAPCOM於1992年在紅白機(FC/NES)平台發行的動作平台遊戲,作為經典《洛克人》系列的第五部正統續作。延續前作基礎系統的同時,進一步強化關卡機關的變化,並在劇情方面加入新的角色,為整體世界觀增添更多的懸疑感與深度。之後移植到Wii、3DS、Wii U的Virtual Console平台,還有Sony的PS、PS one Books、PSN。收錄在合輯版則有3DS、PS4、Switch平台。
西元20XX年,在擊敗威利博士(Albert W. Wily)並恢復世界和平的兩個月後,洛克收到來自柯薩克博士(Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack)的通知,輔助機器人比特(Beat)已經製造完成。當洛克在柯薩克研究所與卡琳卡聊天時,布魯斯突然率領機器人大軍襲擊城市,並綁架萊特博士(Thomas Light)。布魯斯曾是洛克人的戰友與兄長般的存在,他的背叛讓洛克人感到困惑與痛心。為了拯救萊特博士並弄清真相,洛克人不得不再度挺身而出,面對布魯斯與他所指揮的八名機器人首領。
隨著洛克人逐一擊敗機器人首領並闖入布魯斯的城堡,發現最終敵人並非真正的布魯斯,而是威利博士製造的「偽布魯斯機器人」(Dark Man)。威利博士再度露出真面目,原來布魯斯是被陷害的,真正的布魯斯在最後關頭救下洛克人,兩人聯手擊敗威利博士,再次挫敗他的邪惡計劃。
重力人(Gravity Man),能夠改變重力方向,關卡內有大量上下顛倒的重力機關,需要適應不同方向的移動與跳躍。
水晶人(Crystal Man),擅長發射水晶子彈,關卡布滿反射與透明裝置,陷阱眾多,極具挑戰性。
岩石人(Stone Man),可以變形成石塊進行防禦或攻擊,關卡設計為洞窟環境,地形不穩定且有大量掉落陷阱。
充氣人(Charge Man),外型如同火車,能夠高速衝撞敵人,關卡以火車站為主題,移動平台與高速軌道機關是主要特色。
汽油人(Napalm Man),擅長發射飛彈與爆炸物,關卡背景設計成軍事基地,充滿各種飛彈發射裝置與爆破機關。
水流人(Wave Man),能夠操控水流,關卡內有大量水流機關與水上載具段落,這是系列首次加入水上戰鬥場景的設計。
螺旋人(Gyro Man),擅長使用螺旋槳進行攻擊,關卡設定在高空地帶,充滿懸崖與上下移動的平台,挑戰玩家的跳躍技術。
星辰人(Star Man),擁有星形護盾,關卡設計在外太空,低重力環境讓洛克人的跳躍更加飄忽,增添操作難度。
在操作方面,繼承前作的「充能射擊」(Charge Shot)系統,可以蓄力發射更強力的「超級洛克炮」。此外,Rush機器狗再次回歸,能夠變形成為彈簧(Rush Coil)、飛行器(Rush Jet)與潛艇(Rush Marine),幫助克服複雜地形與機關。
在擊敗八名機器人後,將進入布魯斯的城堡,這部分關卡設計難度提升,布滿各種複雜機關與陷阱。最終洛克人將對戰偽布魯斯機器人(Dark Man),隨後揭露威利博士的真面目,並進一步進入威利城堡展開最終決戰。城堡內的設計更具挑戰性,尤其是在多階段的威利機器人戰鬥中,考驗玩家對特殊武器的靈活運用與反應速度。
Mega Man 5 (known in Japan as Rockman 5: Blues' Trap!) is an action platformer developed by Capcom and released for the Famicom/NES in 1992. It is the fifth main installment in the classic Mega Man series. While maintaining the core mechanics of its predecessors, the game introduces new stage gimmicks and expands the story by adding new characters, deepening the overall narrative and enhancing the sense of mystery. The game was later ported to the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U Virtual Console, as well as Sony’s PlayStation, PS one Books, and PSN. It was also included in compilation versions for the 3DS, PS4, and Switch.
In the year 20XX, two months after defeating Dr. Albert W. Wily and restoring peace to the world, Mega Man receives a message from Dr. Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack announcing the completion of Beat, a support robot. While visiting Dr. Cossack’s lab and chatting with Kalinka, Proto Man suddenly leads an army of robots in an attack on the city, kidnapping Dr. Thomas Light. Proto Man, once Mega Man’s ally and brother figure, has betrayed him, leaving Mega Man both confused and heartbroken. Determined to rescue Dr. Light and uncover the truth, Mega Man sets out to confront Proto Man and the eight Robot Masters under his command.
As Mega Man defeats the Robot Masters and infiltrates Proto Man’s fortress, he discovers that the true enemy is not Proto Man, but rather a "Dark Man" robot created by Dr. Wily. Dr. Wily reappears, revealing that Proto Man had been framed. In the final confrontation, the real Proto Man arrives to save Mega Man, and the two join forces to defeat Dr. Wily once again, thwarting his evil plans.
The game retains the series’ tradition of battling eight Robot Masters, each with unique stages and thematic designs. Defeating a Robot Master grants Mega Man their special weapon, with clear weaknesses and strengths between the weapons, encouraging experimentation and stage replayability.
The eight Robot Masters include:
Gravity Man – Capable of altering gravity direction. His stage features gravity-flipping mechanics, requiring players to adapt to inverted movement and jumping.
Crystal Man – Fires crystal projectiles. His stage is filled with reflective surfaces, transparent platforms, and numerous traps, making it highly challenging.
Stone Man – Can transform into stone for defense or attack. His stage is set in a cavernous environment with unstable terrain and falling hazards.
Charge Man – Resembles a locomotive and uses high-speed charges to attack. His stage takes place at a train station with moving platforms and fast-paced tracks.
Napalm Man – Specializes in missiles and explosives. His stage is a military base filled with missile launchers and explosive traps.
Wave Man – Manipulates water currents. His stage includes water-based mechanics and sections with vehicles, marking the series’ first use of water-based combat.
Gyro Man – Attacks with propellers. His stage is set high in the sky, featuring cliffs and vertically-moving platforms, testing players' jumping skills.
Star Man – Wields a star-shaped shield. His stage is set in outer space with low gravity, making Mega Man’s jumps floaty and harder to control.
The stages are visually diverse, incorporating unique gimmicks like gravity shifts, train rides, and water combat, enhancing gameplay variety and challenge.
Gameplay mechanics continue to evolve with the return of the Charge Shot system, allowing Mega Man to fire a powerful charged blast. Rush, Mega Man’s robotic dog, also returns, transforming into a springboard (Rush Coil), jet (Rush Jet), or submarine (Rush Marine) to help navigate tricky terrain and hazards.
A new support character, Beat, is introduced. This small bird assists Mega Man in battle by attacking enemies. To unlock Beat, players must collect the letters "M," "E," "G," "A," "M," "A," "N," and "V" hidden throughout the stages, adding an extra layer of exploration and strategy.
After defeating the eight Robot Masters, players enter Proto Man’s fortress, where the difficulty increases with intricate traps and mechanisms. The final showdown against Dark Man leads to the revelation of Dr. Wily’s involvement, setting the stage for the ultimate battle at Wily’s fortress. This final segment is more challenging, particularly with multi-phase Wily Machine encounters that test players' reflexes and mastery of acquired weapons.
The soundtrack, composed by Mari Yamaguchi, maintains the high standards of the series, with standout tracks from Gyro Man and Crystal Man’s stages being particularly well-received. The music is upbeat and futuristic, perfectly complementing the stage themes and Robot Master designs.
Visually, the game pushes the limits of the NES hardware, with more detailed backgrounds and dynamic effects, such as moving trains and flowing water, making the stages feel more alive and immersive.
Upon release, Mega Man 5 received positive reviews, though some critics felt the game lacked significant innovation and was slightly easier compared to its predecessors. The design of certain Robot Masters was considered less memorable. However, the game’s smooth gameplay, engaging mechanics, and overall polish upheld the series’ reputation, resulting in over 1.4 million units sold worldwide, reaffirming the Mega Man franchise’s enduring popularity.
While not regarded as the most groundbreaking entry in the series, Mega Man 5 remains a fan favorite, appreciated for its stable gameplay, varied stage designs, and memorable soundtrack, standing as a classic among Mega Man titles.
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- 定 價: 2,940円
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人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星