
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1987-11-16

《Faxanadu》(中文譯為沙那多或仙那度)的前身是由Falcom公司製作的PC動作RPG遊戲《雷諾尼都紀事》(日文名稱ザナドゥ/Xanadu)。Falcom公司之後還創作經典的伊蘇系列。Xanadu在當年的銷售量突破40萬套,之後更趁勝追擊,推出續作,包括Xanadu 2、Revival Xanadu、Legend of Xanadu、以及Legend of Xanadu的強化版,這些作品在Sega Saturn和PC等平台上推出,而3D立體化的Xanadu Next也有在PC和Steam上販售。




Faxanadu中總共有16種不同的頭銜,包括初學者(Novice)、有志者(Aspirant)、戰鬥者(Battler)、戰士(Fighter)、熟練者(Adept)、騎士(Chevalier)、資深戰士(Veteran)、勇士(Warrior)、劍士(Swordman)、勇者(Hero)、士兵(Soldier)、忠臣(Mymidon)、冠軍(Champion)、超級英雄(Super Hero)、聖騎士(Paladin)、以及Lord(領主)。


武器(Weapon:有四種主要武器,包括初期可以入手的攜帶型小刀(Hand Dagger),缺點是攻擊距離短,無法對付地面移動的敵人。還有長劍(Long Sword),可以連續揮動並擁有擴大的攻擊範圍。巨人刀(Giant Blade)是長劍的升級版,而屠龍劍(Dragon Slayer)需要打倒躲藏的敵人才能取得,是最強的武器。

盔甲(Armor:有四種不同的盔甲,包括皮甲(Leather Armor)、鑲嵌鎖子甲(Studded Mail)、全套盔甲(Full Plate)和戰鬥服(Battle Suit)。

盾牌(Shield:有四種盾牌,包括小盾牌(Small Shield)、大盾牌(Large Shield)、魔法盾牌(Magic Shield)和戰鬥頭盔(Battle Helmet)。


道具(Item:最多可以攜帶九樣不同的物品,包括紅藥水(Red Potion):可以補滿血量。飛行靴(Wing Boots):可以在關卡內移動。沙漏(Hour Glass):可以讓敵人停止移動,但對頭目無效。鋤頭(Mattock)用來敲碎岩石等,遊戲只會用到一次。還有各種鑰匙(Key)來開門。

玩家狀態(Player:顯示現在擁有的所有裝備和特殊道具,如精靈戒指(Ring of Elf)、紅寶石戒指(Ring of Ruby)、矮人戒指(Ring of Dwarf)、惡魔戒指(Ring of Demon)、仙丹(Exlixir)、吊墜(Pendant)和黑曜石(Black Onyx)等。



故事描述主角回到家鄉,發現許多地方都開始沙漠化,人們紛紛離開。村民告知這是精靈居住的地方Eolis,位於世界樹的底端。主角首先前往教堂拿到代表身分的精靈戒指(Ring of Elf),然後前往城堡與國王交談,再進入主要關卡,如達爾姆(Dartmoor)、德瑞克(Darbreak)、法波(Forepaw)、馬斯康(Mascon)和彌克頓(Victim)。







終極密碼:輸入後從最後關卡出發,擁有最強武器裝備跟需要全破的物品。y8f?8n?8YQSYzGhTkPhCEIQg。會擁有的道具有八個紅藥水,一個飛翔鞋(WING BOOTS)。


1.達爾姆(Dartmoor): aLf?cv?,IJNJjMFukpYQhA

2.德瑞克(Darbreak): DL7,cv20SoWOx2XIbBL4PhA

3.法波(Forepaw): B4qMAPtkCEAYxzwhA

4.馬斯康(Mascon): zKPcAvt1iEQoFzwhAxjA

5.彌克頓(Victim): Raz8Mvu0CIUKLhsHwgWEA

"Faxanadu" is a classic action-adventure role-playing game (RPG) developed by Hudson Soft and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1987. The game is known for its unique blend of platforming and RPG elements, offering players an engaging and immersive experience.

In "Faxanadu," players take on the role of an adventurer who returns to their homeland, the World Tree, after a long absence. The World Tree has become corrupted, and its branches have been overtaken by monsters and decay. As the hero, your task is to explore the various areas of the World Tree and its surroundings, defeat enemies, gather equipment, and ultimately restore the World Tree to its former glory.

Key features of "Faxanadu" include:


Action and Platforming Gameplay: The game features side-scrolling action gameplay combined with platforming elements. Players will encounter enemies, jump across platforms, and navigate through various environments.

Role-Playing Elements: While primarily an action game, "Faxanadu" also includes RPG elements. Players can buy and equip weapons, armor, and items, and they can earn experience points from defeating enemies to level up their character.

Shops and NPCs: Throughout the game, players can visit towns and interact with NPCs (non-playable characters). Towns offer shops where players can purchase equipment and items to aid them in their adventure.

Atmospheric World: The game features a distinctive fantasy world with diverse environments such as forests, caves, and towns. Each area has its own challenges and enemies.

Storytelling: The game has a minimalistic but intriguing storyline that unfolds as players progress through the game. Players can learn about the World Tree's history and the events that led to its current state.

"Faxanadu" is often praised for its unique combination of genres and its atmospheric world. It's considered a cult classic and has left a lasting impression on NES gamers. If you enjoy action-adventure games with RPG elements and a fantasy setting, "Faxanadu" is definitely worth checking out.

Music and Sound: The game features a memorable soundtrack that adds to the atmosphere of the various locations and situations. The music is known for its catchy melodies that enhance the overall gaming experience.

Boss Battles: As you progress through the World Tree and its branches, you'll encounter challenging boss battles that require strategic thinking and precise timing to defeat.

Exploration and Progression: "Faxanadu" encourages exploration as you search for hidden items, secrets, and shortcuts within the World Tree's interconnected areas. Acquiring new equipment and upgrades is crucial for your character's growth and success.

Art Style: The game's visual style captures the essence of classic NES-era graphics, with detailed sprites and environments that create a visually appealing and immersive world.

Legacy: "Faxanadu" remains a beloved title among retro gamers, and its unique gameplay and nostalgic value have led to its inclusion in various classic game compilations and digital platforms.

Cultural Impact: "Faxanadu" has left a significant cultural impact on gaming and has gained a dedicated fan base over the years. Its unique gameplay mechanics and immersive world have contributed to its lasting appeal.

Metroidvania Elements: While not a traditional Metroidvania, "Faxanadu" does incorporate some of the exploration and backtracking aspects found in that genre. As you acquire new equipment and abilities, you'll be able to access previously inaccessible areas, enhancing the sense of progression and discovery.

Challenging Difficulty: The game is known for its challenging difficulty, especially during boss battles and in certain platforming sections. This adds to the satisfaction of overcoming obstacles and progressing through the adventure.

Nostalgia and Retro Gaming: For players who enjoy retro gaming experiences, "Faxanadu" is a nostalgic trip back to the NES era. Its gameplay mechanics and visual style are a reminder of the early days of video gaming.

Speedrunning: "Faxanadu" has gained popularity among speedrunners who compete to complete the game in the shortest amount of time possible. The game's level design and mechanics lend themselves well to speedrunning strategies.

Digital Re-releases: Over the years, "Faxanadu" has been made available on various digital platforms, allowing new generations of gamers to experience this classic title. It's often featured in collections or as a standalone download.

In summary, "Faxanadu" is a unique and influential NES game that offers a blend of action, platforming, and RPG elements within a fantasy setting. Its challenging gameplay, atmospheric world, and nostalgic charm have contributed to its enduring popularity among gamers. Whether you're a fan of classic RPGs, retro gaming, or seeking a distinctive gameplay experience, "Faxanadu" is a title that has stood the test of time and continues to be remembered fondly by gamers worldwide.


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  • 沙那多

    • 定 價: 6,195円
    • 售 價: 2500.00
    • 庫存量: 1 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星