Final Fantasy 水晶編年史 Remastered 版

《Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition》(Final Fantasy 水晶編年史 重製版)是Square Enix於2020年推出的動作角色扮演遊戲(ARPG),在2003年任天堂GameCube平台發售的原版《Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles》的高清重製版本。登陸PlayStation 4、Nintendo Switch以及iOS和Android平台,並保留原作的核心玩法與故事,強化畫面表現、音效以及多項新要素,為經典作品注入現代化的新生命。
故事背景設定在被「瘴氣」(Miasma)籠罩的奇幻世界,人類文明因為瘴氣的侵襲而逐漸衰退。人們依賴水晶的力量來驅散瘴氣,在水晶的庇護下建立村莊。然而,水晶的力量會隨著時間衰弱,需要透過名為「靈魂之滴」(Myrrh)的神秘液體來維持。每隔一段時間,村莊會派遣勇敢的冒險者組成「水晶之隊」(Crystal Caravan),踏上尋找靈魂之滴的旅程,穿越迷霧與怪物橫行的土地,將靈魂之滴帶回村莊,為水晶補充能量,以維持村莊的生存。玩家扮演水晶之隊的成員,旅途中經歷各式各樣的迷宮與挑戰,探索這片充滿危險與奇蹟的世界。隨著冒險的進行,將逐步揭開這個世界不為人知的歷史與秘密,逐漸了解瘴氣的起源以及水晶真正的力量。雖然遊戲的主線劇情相對簡單,但在冒險過程中透過村民間的互動、旅途中的信件與事件,構築出一段充滿情感的冒險之旅。
延續原版的即時戰鬥系統,自由操控角色在地圖上移動,透過物理攻擊或施展魔法來擊敗敵人。戰鬥過程中,要持續留在水晶聖杯(Crystal Chalice)創造的保護圈內,以免受到瘴氣侵蝕。水晶聖杯是水晶之隊的核心道具,能夠驅散瘴氣並創造安全區域,但它需要由一名隊員攜帶或放置在地面,因此遊戲強調團隊合作與角色分工。本作保留四個不同種族的設定,每個種族都擁有獨特的能力與風格:
克拉瓦特族(Clavat) – 均衡的戰士型角色,擅長劍術,適合新手玩家。
利爾提族(Lilty) – 擅長近距離戰鬥,攻擊力強,防禦力高但移動速度較慢。
尤克族(Yuke) – 以魔法見長的角色,能遠距離攻擊,擅長使用群體魔法。
瑪魯迪族(Selkie) – 敏捷的角色,擅長快速攻擊與閃避,機動性高。
除單人遊玩外,最重要的特點是支援多人連線合作模式,最多可讓四名玩家一起冒險。原版遊戲需要透過Game Boy Advance連接GameCube才能進行多人合作,而重製版直接支援跨平台連線功能,讓來自不同平台的玩家能夠共同探索迷宮。
世界由多個不同主題的區域與迷宮組成,每個迷宮都有其獨特的風景與機關設計,例如森林、火山、雪地和沙漠等地形,克服不同環境帶來的挑戰。迷宮內部遍佈敵人與陷阱,運用智慧解謎,或與隊友合作啟動機關來打開新的道路。此外,每座迷宮的首領戰(Boss Battle)都是一大亮點,Boss不僅擁有強大的攻擊方式,還能影響場地環境,為戰鬥增加變數。為了通過這些戰鬥,需要充分運用魔法與物理攻擊,並配合其他隊友分擔任務,例如一人負責近戰攻擊,一人進行魔法輸出,還需有玩家專職治療或攜帶水晶聖杯,這種協同作戰的設計使合作玩法變得更加重要。在迷宮中,會獲得各種素材與魔石(Magicite),魔石能夠讓角色施展火焰、冰凍或治癒等不同魔法,透過不同魔石的組合,還能釋放強大的合體魔法,這在應對敵人大群襲擊或強敵時相當實用。《Remastered Edition》除了畫面與音效全面升級外,還新增許多全新的要素,例如:
高清畫質重製 – 畫面經過重新繪製,角色與場景更加細膩,細節與光影效果更為突出。
新語音配音 – 新增角色語音,讓劇情更加生動,提升沉浸感。
新迷宮與裝備 – 在原作迷宮之外,重製版還追加全新的高難度迷宮與稀有裝備,在通關後仍能持續挑戰自我。
跨平台連線 – 支援跨平台連線合作,即使使用不同平台,也能無縫地進行多人冒險。
在發售後獲得了褒貶不一的評價。許多玩家對於遊戲的美術風格與音樂讚譽有加,重製後的畫面細節展現出更具童話色彩的奇幻世界,而谷岡久美譜寫的原聲配樂也因為高清重製音質變得更加悠揚動聽,帶來懷舊與感動的體驗。然而,多人連線系統卻成為玩家批評的焦點之一。儘管跨平台連線是亮點,但連線過程中存在延遲問題,且匹配系統設計複雜,使得合作體驗未達到預期。此外,單人模式的重複性較高,在無法與他人合作時,關卡的挑戰性顯得過於冗長,導致單人玩家感到乏味。儘管存在技術與系統上的缺陷,《Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition》仍成功吸引一批懷舊玩家,再次體驗這款經典動作角色扮演作品,並透過重製版延續《水晶編年史》系列的傳奇。
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition is an action role-playing game (ARPG) released by Square Enix in 2020. It is a high-definition remaster of the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, which was launched in 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube. The remastered version is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android platforms. It retains the core gameplay and story of the original while enhancing graphics, audio, and introducing new elements, breathing new life into the classic title.
Story and Setting
The game takes place in a fantasy world shrouded in a deadly miasma that has gradually led to the decline of human civilization. People rely on the power of crystals to dispel the miasma and establish villages under the protection of these crystals. However, the power of the crystals wanes over time and must be replenished with a mysterious liquid known as Myrrh. Periodically, villages send brave adventurers to form a Crystal Caravan, embarking on a journey to seek Myrrh. These adventurers traverse misty lands filled with monsters, bringing Myrrh back to the village to restore the crystal’s energy and ensure the survival of their home.
Players assume the role of a member of the Crystal Caravan, experiencing various dungeons and challenges during their journey, while exploring a world filled with both danger and wonder. As the adventure progresses, players gradually uncover hidden histories and secrets of the world, learning more about the origin of the miasma and the true power of the crystals. Although the main storyline is relatively simple, the adventure is enriched by interactions with villagers, letters, and events encountered along the way, crafting an emotional and memorable journey.
Gameplay and Mechanics
The game retains the real-time combat system of the original, allowing players to freely move their characters across maps, using physical attacks or casting magic to defeat enemies. During combat, players must remain within the protective barrier created by the Crystal Chalice to avoid being affected by the miasma. The Crystal Chalice is a crucial item for the caravan, capable of dispelling miasma and creating a safe zone. However, it must be carried by one team member or placed on the ground, emphasizing teamwork and role distribution.
The game features four distinct races, each with unique abilities and playstyles:
Clavat – A balanced warrior-type race skilled in swordsmanship, ideal for new players.
Lilty – Specialists in close combat with high attack power and defense but slower movement speed.
Yuke – Magic users proficient in long-range attacks and area-of-effect spells.
Selkie – Agile fighters who excel in quick strikes and evasion, with high mobility.
In addition to single-player gameplay, the most significant feature is the multiplayer co-op mode, allowing up to four players to adventure together. In the original game, multiplayer required connecting Game Boy Advance systems to the GameCube, but the remastered version supports cross-platform online multiplayer, enabling players from different platforms to explore dungeons together seamlessly.
Dungeons and Exploration
The game world consists of multiple regions and dungeons, each with unique themes, landscapes, and puzzle mechanisms. Environments range from forests and volcanoes to snowy fields and deserts, challenging players to adapt to different terrains and hazards. Dungeons are filled with enemies and traps, requiring players to solve puzzles and cooperate with teammates to activate mechanisms and unlock new paths.
A highlight of the game is the boss battles at the end of each dungeon. Bosses possess powerful attacks and can alter the battlefield, adding complexity to combat. To succeed, players must utilize both magic and physical attacks while coordinating with teammates. One player may handle melee combat, another focuses on magic, and others may take on healing or carrying the Crystal Chalice. This cooperative design emphasizes teamwork, enhancing the multiplayer experience.
While exploring dungeons, players collect materials and Magicite—magical stones that enable the casting of fire, ice, healing, and other spells. Combining different Magicite can unleash powerful fusion spells, proving invaluable during large enemy encounters or boss fights.
New Features and Improvements
In addition to graphical and audio enhancements, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition introduces several new features:
High-Definition Visuals – Graphics have been reworked, with more detailed characters and environments, improved textures, and enhanced lighting effects.
New Voice Acting – The addition of character voiceovers brings more life to the story, enhancing immersion.
New Dungeons and Gear – The remaster adds challenging new dungeons and rare equipment beyond the original game, offering additional content for players post-completion.
Cross-Platform Multiplayer – The game supports cross-platform online co-op, allowing players to adventure together regardless of their gaming platform.
Reception and Criticism
Upon release, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition received mixed reviews. Many players praised the game’s art style and music, with the remastered graphics bringing the vibrant, fairy-tale-like fantasy world to life. The remastered soundtrack, composed by Kumi Tanioka, was also well-received for its enhanced quality, evoking nostalgia and emotion.
However, the multiplayer system became a point of criticism. Despite the appeal of cross-platform play, connection issues and latency problems were prevalent. Additionally, the matchmaking system was considered cumbersome, falling short of expectations for seamless co-op play. The single-player experience was also noted for its repetitive nature, with lengthy and challenging dungeons feeling tedious without multiplayer collaboration.
Despite technical and design flaws, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition successfully attracted nostalgic players, allowing them to relive the classic action RPG experience and continuing the legacy of the Crystal Chronicles series.
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Final Fantasy 水晶編年史 Remastered 版
- 定 價: 5,280円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.4 / 6 顆星