北美版 毀滅戰士

日文名稱:北米版 ドゥーム

在惡靈古堡上市前,由id Software所推出的毀滅戰士(Doom),在90年代初期造成極大的轟動,也影響後來上市的一些射擊遊戲風格。畫面採用直視移動,在陰暗的空間內,人類變成的殭屍及其他怪物不斷迎面而來,驚嚇程度相當高。直到現在,推出的續作更是橫跨許多平台。超任上市後,還有改良版的GBA遊戲上市,操控及畫面品質大幅改善。遊戲有翻拍成電影,可惜沒有像惡靈古堡一樣賣座,就沒有製作續集。

主角是一名陸戰隊軍人,之前因拒絕接受上級命令槍殺平民,於是被放逐到火星,被迫為軍火商聯合宇宙航空公司(Union Aerospace Corporation:UAC)工作。 該公司的火星衛星一號跟二號秘密實驗失敗,許多來自地獄的生物透過傳送跑出來,還殺害所有防衛隊成員,存活下來的人類都變成殭屍,並佔據整個基地。在火星衛星二號消失的情況下,UAC決定派小組前往火星衛星一號調查,但所有人都被殺害,只剩下主角一人,準備逃離此地。

遊戲是由三個章節所組成,每個章節有八個關卡,還有額外的第九關。第一章是(Knee-Deep in the Dead):舞台在火星衛星一號的基地內,最後打倒Boss地獄男爵(Barons of Hell)就可傳送到火星衛星二號。第二章是(Shores of Hell):關卡呈現恐怖的地獄風格,需要擊敗Boss機械惡魔(Cyberdemon)。最後的章節是第三章(Inferno),擊敗蜘蛛首腦(The Spider Mastermind),通過隱形通道就能返回地球,才發現地球也被地獄軍團入侵,為續作的故事留下伏筆。

在GBA版本,可自行選擇三個章節,超任版本則需要依照順序通關。困難度分別為1.I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE 2.HEY NOT TOO ROUGH 3.HURT ME PLENTY 4. NIGHTMARE! 四個等級。從左畫面下方開始,會顯示火力(AMMO)、血量(HEALTH)、盔甲(ARMOR),初期的武器只有拳頭跟手槍,之後會取得火力更強的散彈槍、電鋸、機關槍、火箭炮、BFG9000。沿路會看到許多藥箱,可恢復血量,拿到盔甲則會增加保護力,血量跟盔甲的最高數據均為100。



Before the release of Resident Evil, Doom, developed by id Software, caused a huge sensation in the early 1990s and influenced the style of many subsequent shooting games. The game features a first-person perspective, with players navigating through dark spaces where humans turned into zombies and other monsters constantly confront them, resulting in a high level of suspense. Even today, sequels have been released across multiple platforms. After the launch of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), an enhanced version of the game was released for the Game Boy Advance (GBA), featuring improved controls and graphics quality. Although the game was adapted into a movie, it did not achieve the same success as Resident Evil and thus did not spawn any sequels.

The protagonist is a marine who was exiled to Mars for refusing to follow orders to kill civilians. He is forced to work for the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), a military-industrial conglomerate. The company's secret experiments on Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos failed, resulting in many creatures from hell invading through a teleportation portal. These creatures killed all the defense force members, turned the surviving humans into zombies, and took over the entire base. With Deimos mysteriously disappearing, UAC decides to send a team to investigate Phobos, but everyone is killed, leaving only the protagonist to escape.

The game consists of three episodes, each with eight levels and an additional ninth level. The first episode, "Knee-Deep in the Dead," takes place in the base on Phobos, with the final boss being the Barons of Hell. Upon defeating them, players are transported to Deimos. The second episode, "Shores of Hell," features levels with a hellish theme and culminates in a battle with the Cyberdemon boss. The final episode, "Inferno," requires players to defeat the Spider Mastermind boss and pass through hidden passages to return to Earth, where they discover that Earth has also been invaded by the forces of hell, setting the stage for the sequel.

In the GBA version, players can choose between the three episodes, while in the SNES version, they must complete them in order. The difficulty levels are: 1. I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE, 2. HEY NOT TOO ROUGH, 3. HURT ME PLENTY, and 4. NIGHTMARE! Starting from the bottom left of the screen, players can see their ammo, health, and armor levels. Initially, players only have fists and a pistol, but they will acquire more powerful weapons such as a shotgun, chainsaw, machine gun, rocket launcher, and BFG9000. Along the way, players will encounter many health packs to restore health and armor pickups to increase protection, with both health and armor capped at 100.

As players progress through the later levels, they will encounter increasingly powerful monsters with faster movement speeds, some of which attack with fireballs from a distance. There are over ten types of monsters, and later levels feature various types of traps. The game includes some Easter eggs, with hidden rooms containing powerful weapons or supplies, and some secret rooms lead to bonus levels. The maze designs in later chapters are more complex, so it's best to understand the entire route before moving to avoid getting lost. Players can move around using the directional pad, and holding up will initiate a fast run, saving time. Once the switch to the level is found, players can prepare to move to the next area. If there are barrels near monsters, shooting the barrels will explode, instantly killing the monsters. However, if our character is caught in the explosion, they will suffer significant damage.

After comparing the GBA and SNES versions, although the designs are the same, the SNES version appears overly dark and is prone to getting stuck, often requiring players to backtrack before continuing. Besides playing solo, the GBA version also supports multiplayer connectivity for 2-4 players. Looking at it from a modern perspective, the graphics are indeed quite rough, but in the 1990s, it was a masterpiece, especially when played alone late at night. Each time players enter an area, they must first listen for the sound of monster attacks, creating a high level of tension.


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